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This is what happens to us:

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Longer Route


BREAK UP --> Don't do anything about it --> Get on as normal --> Hang out ---> Freak out --> Outbursts of tears --> depressing Saturday mornings --> Over-eat or starve --> Over-sleep or die --> Finding his cute notes which can lead to deep depression --> As can reminiscence of your memories --> Romantic comedies are a means of sombre entertainment --> Carry on like this for a bit longer --> Lose all hope --> Re-invent yourself --> Smile a lot --> Blink --> Open your eyes --> Actually when something breaks you buy a new one --> ACTUALLY get over it.



Shorter Route. By about 4 days.


BREAK UP --> Freak out --> Outbursts of tears --> depressing Saturday mornings --> Over-eat or starve --> Over-sleep or die --> Finding his cute notes which can lead to deep depression --> As can reminiscence of your memories --> Romantic comedies are a means of sombre entertainment --> Carry on like this for a bit longer --> Lose all hope --> Re-invent yourself --> Smile a lot --> Blink --> Open your eyes --> Actually when something breaks you buy a new one --> ACTUALLY get over it.



Unfortunately there's not shorter route... but its okay, writing this reminded me that it's all part of experiencing life...

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I'm starting to loose hope on finding the "One". I am 31, have been with plenty of women, been in love twice and just got my heart torn apart from someone who even said we were meant 4 eachother. How do u think that makes me feel to hear that one day, then I need my space the next. I feel like giving up hope to be honest. I am going through a healing process now and really need to be strong. My ex is always in reach through many different sources. Especially using myspace. I can't resist looking on her profile page. Very hard.

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I have to see my Ex everyday at college and have him flirt with me with no strings attached. I'm sorry to hear about your situation, but don't give up, just because you're 31; PLENTLY of people meet 'the one' in there 30's, and you still have 8 years of that time left. 'The one' comes when you least expect it, so just enjoy life and don't go looking for her...she will come one day. Good luck.

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Met the one, blew it... My fault had issues and pushed her away...


Now she is seeing her 2nd b/f since the break and I have dated some other girls just to get out... None of these girls mean anything to me they are nice but I have no connection with them at all...


Stay in sporadic contact..


I to have come to the conclusion that I am better off with myself and if I look for someone it is just wasting my time...


I only take care of me now... Finding someone you truly love and have that special connection with is so hard... Most people don't care or even think about it... Thye are with somone for so manyother reasons..


I have so many friends who are like this, it seems that their relationships are so passionless... I am not like that and can't be like that...

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