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The Fantasy Life


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The longing to be held and to hold

Strong the desire to shut out the cold


The wanting to see and feel and smell

O the words you will utter when its time to tell


And then you see him standing there

Your heart beats fast as you just stare


Your mind races with fantasies and dreams

Your body throbs and you plan and scheme


Finally you meet but its short without sweet

So you find a hole in which to retreat


Keep in your mind the way its preferred

For only reality makes fantasies blurred

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hi there, i think it expresses your feelings very well, and in a way i can identify with the moments when i've felt that way, hopeful and yet sometimes the reality of it just seems jarring.


sometimes i feel strange writing, poetry or other wise, but the emotions are so thick and its a relief to find the words. Thanks for sharing your poetry


keep writing!

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