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Unhappy with my appearance...

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I looked in the mirror today. Not an unusual occurrence in itself, but it confirmed something I've suspected for a long time...


See, I'm happy with the bottom half of my body. My bum is firm, I have nice leg muscles, and I'm happy with it.


The top half, however, is carrying a little... erm... extra weight.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not fat. Just, a little meatier than a few of my friends. I have a girlfriend, and I'd like to get fit for her sake.


Now, can anyone suggest some exercises I can do once a day (I'm really busy - no time for the gym or any of that ****!!), that will potentially get me some sort of 6-pack, and nice pecks... Also biceps and triceps would be nice...


Thanks in advance for your help...

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I looked in the mirror today. Not an unusual occurrence in itself, but it confirmed something I've suspected for a long time...


See, I'm happy with the bottom half of my body. My bum is firm, I have nice leg muscles, and I'm happy with it.


The top half, however, is carrying a little... erm... extra weight.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not fat. Just, a little meatier than a few of my friends. I have a girlfriend, and I'd like to get fit for her sake.


Now, can anyone suggest some exercises I can do once a day (I'm really busy - no time for the gym or any of that ****!!), that will potentially get me some sort of 6-pack, and nice pecks... Also biceps and triceps would be nice...


Thanks in advance for your help...

I would check out - they focus mostly on plyometrics and other very short routines, but are VERY intense.


These are great, but you will need more I think since you may not have a "base". And if you want to see the muscle definition, you need to burn fat (which means doing cardio). And if you want bulk, you'll have to do some weights. If you just want tone, and definition, you might be able to get away by doing cardio and some plyometrics and stuff like pushups/pullups etc.


I hate to break it to you....but if you want a 6-pack, nice pecks and arms, and to burn some of the fat to actually see the 6-pack, you are going to have to put the time in though. It's all about how important it is to you though - I am very busy too, but make it a priority for me, and get my workouts in even if it means earlier mornings, or going at lunch, or what have you. If it's important enough, you'll find an 30-90 minutes in your day somehow


Also - your diet will matter - eat healthy, avoid the sugar and refined carbs, stick to veggies, lean proteins, whole grains, low fat dairy, etc.


PS - do it for YOU. Much easier to stick to if it's for YOU.

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I happen to like men that are 'meatier'. You might try crunches for the abs, check out the web for some descriptions and routines. Rowing machines are awsome, killer on the back, but a great all over work out. I use a stationary bike with the hand lever thingies (technical term) and its helped with the biceps and upperchest.

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It's more about the money than the time at the moment...


*Sigh* Things are a little hard...


I can afford one or two hours in the day, in the morning or at night...

Well, that is plenty of time then. I work out about 1-3 hours a day depending on the schedule and day...and that is really more then you need (I am a competitor though so that's partly why!). I split it up so I do some in the morning (usually yoga, core, or going to the gym) and the rest after work (so cycling or running usually). I am flexible in my routine during the week so I can move things to other times or days if I need for classes, or meetings, and so forth.


I would make sure you are doing cardio 3-4 times a week, just start off with 20-30 minutes, some days a slower pace, but other days more intense intervals.


Mix it up - run, bike, swim, whatever!


You could combine these in circuits if you were running...so for example run 5 minutes, do a set of pushups, body squats and lunges...then run another 5 minutes and repeat or do another couple exercises.


I would do a good core routine one-two days a week, research core exercises and combine them in sets of time to do in a rotation.


Focus on body weight stuff though if you can't go to gym at moment (ie pushups/pullups/squats/lunges) and use things like biking and swimming as they will also build muscle and burn fat too.

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Well, it's a lifestyle change...it depends on how dedicated you are and how you approach it.


I do suggest checking out that website I gave you, as it's a great program that WILL have you showing results, but it does take work.


It can take up to a month or so to see results, and you can reach your "potential" within 6-12 months (and you can go further then that and become fitter/stronger, but most people can reach their "potential" in that time if they are starting from an "average" body/fitness level and then build from there).


It does not happen overnight.

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I have checked out the website, and I'm going to learn the exercises...


Thanks for your help...


I'm just not sure I've got what it takes. I've always had this figure, and I honestly don't think it'll change.


I'll give it a shot...


Good luck, and hey - change that mindset now!


You can't change the underlying structure, but you CAN do a lot with what is over it!


I have known formerly obese people whom have bodies that even fitness models envy, and extremely thin people become bodybuilders...it's all about how determined you are, and working with what you have.

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I'm just not sure I've got what it takes. I've always had this figure, and I honestly don't think it'll change.


I'll give it a shot...

If you don't think you can do it alone find a friend who might join you with jogging or dieting together. You can be each others support system. It takes time so don't get discouraged if the first week you don't feel like hot stuff. Your energy level will increase and you'll feel better working out. When I first started I had a hard time going that last 5 min or so and it made me think 'I can't do this'. But I kept with it and now the last 10 min of my work out are actually the best feeling, you get a great high from the endorphines.

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