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I want to have his baby...sometimes


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About half the time, maybe more, I want to get married and have a baby by him.


That is how you started your post and it should not be a surprise that it would affect how people respond. Had you just said this...


I'm in my mid-30s and I'm worried..in a nagging, nervous kind of way...that I am running out of time. The more I wait, the more my chances of complications. I've watched some cable network shows on pregnancy and child birth, and I hear statistics in the order of 1 in 1000 (or less!) of births for some terribly serious deformity or retardation - most I've never even heard of before! I feel I'm destined to have a Downs Syndrome baby or worse. I've waited till I'm almost old to have a baby, until I knew I could raise it right, and then I'll probably get a serious life-shattering complication because I waited so long.

... you may have just got sort of response you wanted from people who hadn't read your previous posts about your relationship.
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Agreed with Annie and DN.


You yourself posted earlier about your relationship and your uncertainty about it. Now you seem angry that those who are trying to give you advice, myself included, that we responded based on the bigger picture of both your previous posts and this one.


No one is saying you would be a bad parent. What I see here is that people are advising you to look at your relationship and make sure it's stable and ready to accept the responsibility of a child before you plan to bring one into it.


You have obviously thought about this too- or you would have had one by now. You have done nothing wrong.


Reading the title of your thread:

I want to have his baby.....sometimes...


and then seeing this from your previous thread:


I have no friends except my boyfriend, which half the time I want to break up with (but he'll never leave me) and half the time I want to marry and have his baby (but he'll never marry me).


is why personally I wondered you were indeed planning to bring a baby into this relationship if you had thought it all through.


A baby isn't "sometimes".... once he or she is here it's forever, 24/7/365.


When you post on a public forum like this you are asking for the advice of those you now deem "unqualified". You can take or leave what you will from the thread, but recall that initially you also had many responses validating your concern for this thread..... but that having also posted about an unstable relationship here in the past, it is not unusual that others suggested you consider that further before planning a child.

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