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do u def know if/when condom breaks?


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Just a qui k question.........my bf and i are always very careful with using protection during sex.......but as of late i have not been able to afford the pill so we have just been using condoms.........we never do anything silly and r very resposnible with this..........BUT i am 3 weeks late for my period and i am wondering if it is at all possible that the condom can break without either party knowing? or is it somehting that when it happens he would atleast know?

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Yes, it is possible for that to happen. Every once in awhile a condom is made with a defect that would allow sperm to pass through. Condoms also do occasionally break during intercourse and even a tiny tear is enough to cause a problem.


It's great that you are using protection but it's true that it is not 100% effective.


I'd suggest you take a pregnancy test. If you are 3 weeks late you should get an accurate reading one way or the other.

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Are your periods usually regular? When did you stop taking the pill?


Yes it is possible for a condom to fail without ever knowing it (my sister and I were both conceived this way..and I know many others whom were too). All it takes is a microtear or pinhole defect or rip during opening or putting it on, or from friction, or improper use.


I suggest you get a pregnancy test. If you are not, take it as sign to get back on birth control - there are many places that offer low cost or free birth control to people whom cannot afford it....no birth control is 100%, and that is why using two forms is better so there is backup.


If you are, book an appointment with Planned Parenthood or a similar organization for pregnancy counselling asap and to make some decisions, and also get proper nutrition & care.

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Thanks guys.........


raykay.........i went off the pill about 3-4 months ago and have just been using condoms EVERY time since......i know coming off the pill can effect your period but it isnt that as my period has been ok since coming off it......


my period has been known to come late b4, im just worried is all, n yah i will take a test as soon as i get back from my holiday with my bf.........we r going away for 5 days outer state n i dont want to find out im pregnant n then go on holiday n be stressed the whole time.........im not OVERLY worried yet, cos as ive said it has been late b4, but when i get back i will def take a test as im sure i WILL b worried quite badly by then....


So sad that im 24 n been sexually active since 18 n not realised how common it is for this to happen, i guess ive always been especially carefull ie pill and condoms so i never experienced this kind of concern.......


ill keep u guys posted


thanks guys

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