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Ålter Ego

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With a vivacious stretch

And vociferous yawn

I embrace the future

And welcome the new dawn


My morning breath to be damned

Rubbing my sleepy eyes

I take time to marvel

At the crisp vermillion sky


Accompanied by vanilla puffs

As the background fades to blue

With shades of grey and gold

As the sun plays peek-a-boo


The day gets even brighter

But the time goes too fast

I must cease my hesitation

And try to make this day last


Yet it's so hard to arise

From the slumber that I embrace

But I've already wasted an hour

There's no more time to waste


I spring out of bed

Trying to clear my thoughts

If I let yesterday command today

Then my efforts are all for naught


A hot shower and a shave

With minty fresh teeth

I grab the morning paper

As kids play in the streets


My surroundings are epic

As if inspired by a muse

But is this really picture perfect

Or an elaborate ruse


There's no time to doubt

I have too many goals to achieve

So what if I failed yesterday

Today I have to believe


This will be my day

I will conquer my fears and sorrow

And if I fail today

I'll look forward to succeeding tomorrow

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Alter, I must say I love how positive you are. I like that last bit:


"This will be my day

I will conquer my fears and sorrow

And if I fail today

I'll look forward to succeeding tomorrow"


Now, I have a friend on this site I want to introduce you to. His name is kyo. He could use that kind of positive attitude.


Seriously, great as usual. You've really got talent. And I am glad to see the positive side of you coming out more.

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