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Chance of Pregnancy


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There's no equation for knowing that. Pregnacy depends on many factors, but it only takes one sperm to fertilize the egg. One ejactulations worth of semen contain millions of sperm so even a small amount could cause pregnacy. Not only that but if you using the 'withdrawl method' pre-ejaculate contains sperm as well.

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no way of knowing the chances, but it would be near ovulation, most likely. what you should do is go to planned parenthood (or another clinic like this) and get the morning-after pill. it's called "plan b" -- i had to do this once. it's no big deal at all and they are very easy to get. just go in, explain what happened. the pill works for up to 72 hours after unprotected sex, but it is more effective the sooner you take it. there are 2 pills, just take them both at once. for me, it cost like 30 bucks. totally worth it. they may list some scary side effects, but i had none to speak of. the worst would be a little nausea. if for no other reason, do it for peace of mind, or the next 2 weeks may be miserable, waiting for your period to come!

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Well, at that point, the chances are already fairly low. However, you need to take a few things itno account:


-Sperm ( if the full load is dumped) can live up to 7 days

-However, what you have to realize is that the woman's body won't take a kind liking to the sperm, and the woman's (antibodies?) will begin to attack the sperm. Even with the whole 80 million+ in a regular spunk dosage, only about 50 of them actually make it to the egg. The real chances are actually surprisingly slim, but it does happen.

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