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my boyfriend and i have been in an LDR for 2 years and when he last came to visit, (monthly) we decided to have sex for the first time. My boyfriend is not really as big as what i use to masturbate with, he's about 6 inches and maybe 5 in diameter, while what i use is like 6 in diameter. i feel i could enjoy sex better if i was a bit tighter, so my question is if i were to get something maybe smaller than him to masturbate with, would i get a little tighter and able to enjoy his penis more?

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Concentrate not on the size, but on the feelings involved. That will help make it feel better right there.


I'm not exactly an expert on this topic, but perhaps research and try different positions that will help to hit the right places and make it feel better for you.

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There are a few ways you can "feel" him as being bigger.


First off, try Kegel exercises to tighten your pelvic and vaginal muscles...do some research on them, but basically pretend you are pulling your abdomen and pelvic floor up, while also tightening yorr vaginal muscles. Do this a few times a day while sitting around, and also even during sex.


Also, play around with positions...doggy style will feel tighter, as will spooning with your legs closed, or missionary with your legs closed together. So will 'Scissors', where your legs are crossed. Experiment!


Also, I guess realize that in a relationship, there are way more perks then with a toy, more intimacy, feelings, and other ways to please one another too!

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You can practice what is called "Kegel Excercises" try it now:


Use the muscle that you would use to stop your stream of urine. Hold it for 10 seconds and release.


If you do 10 reps of these 10 times a day, in a few weeks you will have more tone.


Having said that, I wonder if you are aware that your vagina stretches and constricts to accommodate any size penis pretty tightly. The vagina is an amazing muscle, able to hold in something so small as a tampon, or stretch to allow something so large as a baby through it.


So unless you have given birth multiple times recently I think you are worrying too much because your vagina will stretch and constrict to accommodate him. ( and 6 inches is the average size penis, he isn't small by any means.)

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haha ok, thanks thats what i wanted to know, if my vagina could actually constrict or was it just gone. NO, size doesn't matter to me, i know that 6 inches is indeed average its just that i was masturbating with something bigger than him for so long, that it was like wow this is smaller for me. so as you can see, i'm trying to adjust to my boyfriend.

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I just measured the coffee can in my kitchen. It is 4 inches in diameter. Your boyfriend is huge! I think you might mean circumference(girth)?


Try googling average penis size and you'll find this:


So the average penis length is 6.16 inches.

The average girth is 4.84 inches.

More recent studies have produced the following results:

A sample of 60 men studied by researchers at the University of California at San Francisco determined that the average size of their erect penises was 5.1 inches long and 4.9 inches in girth. A Brazilian urologist who measured 150 men reported that the average size of their erections was 5.7 inches long and 4.7 inches in girth.

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Have you popped out a few kids or something?? Take the excercise advice and bin the vibrator... every time you use it you're making it harder for yourself to reach orgasm... Man are all women a bit "special" in the head? Women do this to themselves then moan that their man can'tgive them an orgasm.


I made my girlfriend bin hers and she has never once had a problem with coming since.


Bin it and Clench it.


Motto of the day

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Man are all women a bit "special" in the head? Women do this to themselves then moan that their man can'tgive them an orgasm.

Ah ah ah.....


Careful when you make a gross generalization like that. I'm sure you didn't mean to ask if ALL women are "special".

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Have you popped out a few kids or something?? Take the excercise advice and bin the vibrator... every time you use it you're making it harder for yourself to reach orgasm... Man are all women a bit "special" in the head? Women do this to themselves then moan that their man can'tgive them an orgasm.


I made my girlfriend bin hers and she has never once had a problem with coming since.


Bin it and Clench it.


Motto of the day

"popped out a few kids?" are u for real?!

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Have you popped out a few kids or something?? Take the excercise advice and bin the vibrator... every time you use it you're making it harder for yourself to reach orgasm... Man are all women a bit "special" in the head? Women do this to themselves then moan that their man can'tgive them an orgasm.


I made my girlfriend bin hers and she has never once had a problem with coming since.


Bin it and Clench it.


Motto of the day


I find this intriguing, do you still masterbate?

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Actually....the size of one's vagina is the same as every other part of your body, its genetic. Its the size that it is, despite whether or not you have given birth or masterbate with a coffee can. Yes, it can stretch, but it ALWAYS goes back to the size it is, just like a penis.


And yes, kagel excercises (sp?) do help with muscle control. They will allow you to squeeze tighter during sex. Which is pleasurable for the man as well, but not the coffee can.

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Another thing to try are benwa balls, there ball bearings that are inserted into the vagina. You can use these with Kegel exercises and strengthen the pelvic floor muscle to the point you can hold the balls in with your muscles alone. These exercises are what are used by women after giving birth to help recondition the vagina. You can also try inserting your finger into your vagina and squeezing with your muscles as well. Toning these muscles can help with giving birth, bladder control and more enjoyable orgasims.

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  • 3 weeks later...
... i feel i could enjoy sex better if i was a bit tighter, so my question is if i were to get something maybe smaller than him to masturbate with, would i get a little tighter and able to enjoy his penis more?


Nope. Once it's all stretched out, baby, that's how it's gonna be. Sorry. You'll have to get a bigger boyfriend now.

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Some of you guys really crack me up ...


I made my girlfriend bin hers


Funny ... every time we buy a new toy the sex gets even better. Last thing I'd ever want to do is throw away something like that.


Nope. Once it's all stretched out, baby, that's how it's gonna be. Sorry. You'll have to get a bigger boyfriend now.


Guess you're going to be in trouble later in life unless you're the size of a new born infants head! No to mention you need to be bigger than every previous bf she's ever had ...


To address the original issue, Kegels aside (which do work!) even if the size of your bf is not as big as the object you are using he can enter at differing angles to put pressure on different parts of you inside. Certain positions also tighten things up. Experiment!

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  • 2 months later...

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