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Listen, I have confidence, but it only seems to come out when i get drunk. haha. My problem is that i only hook up with girls when i'm drunk. Don't get me wrong i don't mind at all but i'm trying to settle down and find a girlfriend. I'm an attractive guy with a personality and a nice body and to touch things up. But I have this problem, i never know what to say to a girl before kissing her, and i always * * * * up my opportunity. You just can't make the move without saying anything. So my question is what do guys say to make to the mood right to go in for a kiss? or what do you ladies like hearing before you are kissed?



This tip would be greatly appreciated and I will love you forever if it works.

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Yeah, I only remember "saying" one thing... actually it was asking, "Can I kiss you?" I know it sounds funny... but it's worked everytime I've asked.


However, most of the time the moment just hits. You both look at each other... get that little glossy eyed-coming-in-for-a-landing look and go for it.

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It's not in what you say, its in what you do. Don't think about the kiss. Go on with the date and have a good time. Live in the moment. Hold her hand. Put your arm around her. Smile. Look in her eyes. Really talk and listen to her. If you do that and the date is going fine, there will come a moment when you just feel something between you two. Words don't have to be said, because the look in each others eyes says everything. It's like the old saying of a picture being worth a thousand words. Well that look is worth a thousand words. And if you have to say something, and you really know the girl and are already in a committed relationship, I find nothing works better then a simple "I love you."

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I dont know of anything good to say. A good "you look beautiful" never hurt. But I think it is more in the body language. Touching her waist, look into her eyes, push her hair out of her face. This will give her the hint that you want to kiss. Then go for it, if she seems into it that is. But if she is willing to kiss you, then your body language will let her know.

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Don't say anything, just look deeply into her eyes.......




Oh, sorry, got lost in a memory for a second there. If you need to say anything, say that she looks really beautiful. Then lean in and close your eyes (open eyed is sort of scary) and kiss her slowly. Then slowly break away, look at her, and if she seemed to enjoy it, kiss her again (looke at her for about 3 seconds). The temptation and anitcipation will make then enxt kiss so much better.

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