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My pain and sorrow...

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For the past few days I have been going through a severe depression. It hasn't hampered my life yet, but it almost did today. I made a rather crude remark on the Valentine's day post, but am glad it was deleted. For the past few years I've masked my pain. But it always comes back. I love being single, but the pain of not finding anyone, is excrutaiting to me. There have been people who have liked me, but I haven't been interested in them. It hurts not having my love returned. Life is funny like that...

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Hm..A man once said that after each period of depression comes the bright moment of happiness.I agree it's true.Life is like a circle of bad and moments worth remembering.Think about things that make you happy-just not the once in the past.Appreciate what you have now,so you'll be ready to accept the good changes when they finally come

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For the past few days I have been going through a severe depression. It hasn't hampered my life yet, but it almost did today. I made a rather crude remark on the Valentine's day post, but am glad it was deleted. For the past few years I've masked my pain. But it always comes back. I love being single, but the pain of not finding anyone, is excrutaiting to me. There have been people who have liked me, but I haven't been interested in them. It hurts not having my love returned. Life is funny like that...


Same with me right now. It's almost unbearable. I feel like screaming.


I'm looking around the dating sites, but it looks like it's going to be hard to even get a date. I need some kind of release. My chest aches. I feel....empty. It's unbearable.

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I was thinking this way myself just a little while ago, but now I don't know. I'm up to my eyeballs in women right now and they are all pretty good. While the quantity may be there if you're female, I have a feeling the quality suffers.


Just give it some time. The more you get back to normal, the more women will start popping up out of the woodwork.

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Clueless - it is also very ahrd for a woman to meet a honest and non-igorant man. because usually (not generalising) men just want sex and making out. So it is pretty hard for a woman to trust a man, because she doesn't want to be hurt.


Alabama - I feel exacly like you feel. Since, possibly september, I've not been feeling so good. Haven't actually talked to anyone about anything. School started then and seeing friends that I didn't want started it. Then this guy I really liked and who I thought was the guy I've been dreaming for so long, got a girlfriend, and I felt betrayed. And moreover, my ex-boyfriend went to the US (the reason why we broke up) and there are he had 2 other girfriends after me (in less than a moth).. so there I felt really stupid!

Now I've started to realise what an idiot these guys are, and how happy I am to be single. Yet again, I don't like being single, because there are those nice things happening between couples, and seeing a couple makes me mad now. stupid Valentines!


BUT! back to you. Don't get all depressed with love sh*t because there is no need to. You know what they say; friendships last forever and love doesn't last. I think the love you get from friends and from family is more important in that sense than love from a sex-mate.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alabama - It's been a week. Are you feeling any better? I've struggled with the same feelings for years. I've also tried to bear with my pain. It helps to share your feelings and talk about things. If you ever want to talk, feel free to talk to me.


Hope you are doing well.

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I'm doing much better, thanks. I know now that I have friends and family who will help me bear with this pain, if I ever ask. But I'm learning to cope with it and become the person I want to be. Thanks Shysoul, I'll keep that in mind. Good luck with your pain, too.

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