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a lesson: More people than you know feel just like you


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This is just a short blurb that I wanted to share with you all.


Tonite, I had a tiny heart-to-heart with two of my close female friends about love and what I was searching for and what not. I found out that one of them was looking for the same thing, exactly the same thing. I also learned that neither of them had been in relationships. That surprised me because I thought for sure they had been.



So if it comes as any solace to the rest of you, like it did for me, people like us certainly arent alone with our feelings.

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Nope... you are not alone. There are tonz of people out there with the same thoughts, dreams wishes.


When I was your age...my best friend and I sat under a tree in his front yard with a bottle of rot gut red wine we ummmm "appropriated" from his parents.


All these many moons later... we still remember what we wished for, what we said we wanted, while sitting under those stars. {GRIN}


So I will add a caveat to your wants, needs and wishes. Make sure you are very specific about what it is that you want. Because what you wish for... you just might get. {grin} then you WILL wish you'd have been more specific.... ohhhh boy will you.


Give yourself time. You've got tonz of time to jump into the deep end of the pool. Enjoy where you are at right now in life. Enjoy every minute of what each day brings.

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So true. It is easy to think we will never find anything, that we are alone and everyone else is in love and happy. But there are plenty like us, everywhere you turn. Those who dream of true love, who long for just one person who fills their heart with joy and helps them see the beauty in life. Someone who makes each day brighter and the nights less cold and lonesome. Someone who will be there to pick us up when we are down. Someone who will stand beside us, not in front of or behind us. Someone who fills an empty spot in our hearts, a longing. Someone who encourages and motivates us to be our best. Someone to understand us. Someone to love us.


So to the lonely, don't give up. Take solace that there are those just like you, longing for the same thing. It will happen for you one day. Don't look for love, because love is looking for you.

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