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Ok. I sort of diagnosed myself with narcissism after reading some of the 'malignant self love' exerts on this site. I just want to know really the experiences of any other sufferers on this site because I don't know much about it........I mean..Is there any kind of cure?? I get the feeling that its not really possible to change yourself so much that you are no longer narcissistic...but i just dont know.


If anyone had any ideas I would try them because i'm really sick of being like this and I feel that narcissism has taken a lot of the good things out of my life. On the other hand i get an overwhelming feeling that i can't change myself that much.


Some of my symptoms, as i percieve them anyway, are a desire to be cynical and creul in conversation,massive illusions of intellectual superiority, social withdrawl, hateful to parents, a desire to cut ties with people(even good friends) and self doubt.


I dont know what to expect really but any help would be appreciated. thanks.

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Are you referring to NPD (narcissistic personality disorder)?


From Wikipedia:

The common treatment for patients with narcissistic personality disorder is talk therapy (mainly or - treatment modalities). Medication is prescribed to control and ameliorate attendant conditions such as or , usually with some success.

The prognosis for an adult suffering from NPD is poor, though his adaptation to life and to others can improve with treatment.



I would talk to a professional before jumping to any conclusions.

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Lady Bugg - I love your definition. Totally agree.


If you really do think you have a serious problem, then consult a doctor. However, you probably don't have narcissim. The things you mentioned however, could be about other issues. Then can be addressed through recognizing your problems and trying to correct them.


Being cynical in conversation? Has some experience lead you to be cynical and not as accepting of other peoples opinions? Try to be more open and not critical of what others have to say.


Intellectual superiority? Do you have a record of successes that may lead you to think of yourself like that? Or are you quicker to learn things or have a curious mind and better memory then a lot of people? When you are smart and can pcik up on things quick, it can be frustrating when people aren't as quick as you. But you should be patient. In some areas, you probably do know much more then them. But in other areas, they know more then you. We are all intellectual superior in some category to someone else. And thus, we are all equal.


Hateful to parents? Don't worry about that... its normal. Seriously, any experiences in the past that could explain a level of resentment or uneasiness?


Social withdrawal? Are you more a private person anyways? Could it just be your natural personality?


Self doubt? How is your confidence and self esteem? Despite feeling smarter then others at times, you may actually have low self esteem. You can bounce back and forth from the extremes.

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If you do think that you have a personality disorder - you should get checked out. Self-diagnosis is not a good idea.


I don't think there is a great deal wrong with a little narcissism.

But there is a line.

When you are so self-righteous and obnoxious that other people can't have a say without your 'corrections' - it is a problem.

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