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CONFLICT between loosing weight

Lil R

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ok im having a debate with my friend whos coaching my other friend to loose weight, i said that after eating a meal she should walk around the house or go for a walk to help degest her food and my friend is saying no after you've eaten you dont do any excerise you do it before you eat.

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AND what do you think this is healthy routine


my friend No No list: -


1, No eat a full carb meal eg jacket potatoe

2, No biscuits

3, No crisps

4, cut down on oily foods




My friend Do Do list


1, Eat fruit 5 aday

2, 2l a day

3, excercise eg, on the excercise bike for 20mins, doing sit ups, running up and down the stairs and walks to and from school.

4, Freash onrange juice

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You need to keep in mind it's a lifestyle change.


The BEST time to exercise is when YOU can do it regularly. Most people stick to it better by doing it in morning as there is no time to have other things "come up" for example during the day.


While a walk will improve digestion, it is also going to take a lot more walking to burn calories, then it would to do a run or spin before eating in the first place. You should eat SOMETHING before a big workout or you will run on empty and crash/bonk...but nothing too filling either that will divert too much blood & energy to digestion.


I think your friend has the right idea, as long as she eats a HEALTHY overall diet (and not too much juice as it is a lot of extra sugar, but a small glass is great for folic acid, Vitamin C, and if it's pure orange juice with pulp - fibre too) and uses exercise and activity in her daily life, those are very positive changes. She should be eating veggies too, whole grains/healthy carbs, and lean proteins, as well as lower fat dairy (calcium is essential, and is shown to help keep people trimmer too). Limit excess sugars.


I work out 2x a day usually and live healthy overall, eat healthy. I combine cardio, strength, yoga/stretching in my workouts, and gets lots of rest, and yes, it is something I can do forever, no matter how busy I get as I make the time for it and it's a priority. It sounds like what she is doing is things she can live with forever, and that is important.

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the do list is a bit better, but there's no protein. You need protein to help build/maintain muscle, regulate blood sugars and to keep you fuller longer. Fruit is good once in a while because it is high in fibre, but it is very high in natural sugars which elevate the blood sugars in the body and cause you to start storing that sugar as saturated fat instead of glycogen.


Eating 5-6 smaller meals per day consisting of a portion of lean protein (chicken, turkey, tuna, egg whites, lean beef, salmon, seafood), a generous portion of vegetables and 3-4 of the meals with a small portion of complex carbohydrates (potatoes, rice, corn, peas, oatmeal, shredded wheat) to keep your energy levels up and your body fuelled.


Exercise is important, but diet is key.

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There are a lot of school of thoughts on excercise and whether you should do so before or after you eat.


I am currently following the Weight Watchers core program. I eat from certain food lists, and I eat when I begin to feel hungry and only eat until I feel satisfied. I have a lot of lean protein in my diet, so I do not get hungry but maybe every five hours unless I work out.


I go to the gym right afterwork at 5pm 5 days a week and then I go one weekend day. So, I excercise 6 days a week. I do 45 minutes of cardio all 6 days and I do strength training 3 times a week. I used to strength train 5 times a week alternating upper and lower body but I've combined my workout into 1 strength workout a few times a week and dropped some of the excercises in the interest of my schedule


Since July 2005 I have lost almost 40 pounds and am more healthy. I have a light protein snack about an hour before I head to the gym. Either a small piece of lean protein such as grilled chicken, or sometimes I just have a 2% cheese stick.


Most data I've read suggest that working out before you eat is better, because your body will burn more stored sugars and fats. If you excercise right after you eat, your body will burn off the food you have just consumed and if you do not work out long enough the stored fuels will not be burnt. Take that for what it is worth, I read it on some different fitness sites.


Lean Protein

2 servings of fruit a day

3 servings of vegetables a day

1 serving of healthy fat (1 Tablespoon olive oil, flax seed oil, canola oil, etc.)

1 serving of dairy a day

3 servings of protein a day


That's pretty much my day.

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Actually you should eat before and after you workouts for maximum efficiency.


Good preworkout meals are a slice of toast with peanutbutter and a banana, or 1/2 a protein-cliff bar.


Post workout meals should including carbs and protein. Eggs and toast make good post workout breakfasts, but a protein shake/mix will do the job.

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