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am i doin the right thing?

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well, i dunno how to start this but for two weeks now i hardly sleep without thinkin of what happened between my friend and i, I had a fight with her over what anyone might see as a silly thing..but not to me..


Last time we hanged out, about two weeks ago, we stopped talkin to each other since then. The thing is that we are used to go out to the same places every friday for over a year now! the same senario happens every friday we start goin to some cafe then end up in the same restaurant..because of this routine i decided i wanna change the places i usualy hang out with her so i talked to her over and over but she kept refusing until i finally had it! i just shouted at her the other day tellin her that she has no appreciation for me and for what i want.. i go out with her to the places she wants not me..the only time i wanet to change she simply doesnt care and wants everythin goes her way and the way she likes it NOT me! how selfish!


now two weeks after..am not sure whos wrong .. i refuse to call and she refuses to call .. i miss her sometimes but whenever i remember how mean she gets i simply hate her again..we've been friends for 6 years now ..am not sure am doin the right thing here but i dont wanna get back to her and the same thing happens all over again..she never quits and i talked alot about it with her but no use..what should i do? should i just forget about her or should i call her although am kinda sure it wont work for a long time..am confused ..help please..

its not like i left her for this fight only but its more complicated ..she gets selfish in many things and she never cares about me and what i want. its all about her and her life in all ways..


maybe i let her be selfish? maybe its my fault? is it?

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The way I see you just wanted some place. You wanted change. You and your friend had been going to the same place for a long time and you just wanted a different restaurant. I wouldn't place the blame on all you, but your friend should have at least been open to discussing a new restuarant. Since the two of you haven't talked, then nothing has been done to work out this problem. I know you're still mad at your friend, but call her. Try to work something out. You shouldn't let something this simple ruin your friendship of 6 years. Be strong.

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I think you should stick with your argument, even if that costs your friendship. Although you are the only one who decides wether the relationship is worth it or not, i broke off with a friend over 10 years , because we simply refused to give eachothers ways. So i came to the conclusion 'you either agree with me , or get the * * * * out of my life' and that was it *poof* the end , and now im a much happier person then i was. I still haven't regretted it for 1 day, although i do think about it every once in a while for god knows what reason, it was worth it for me. If that * * * * * only wants it her way, then let her choke in it.

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