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I first started getting acne last summer. Well since then, It got really really bad on my face. I tried many treatments including clearisil, various creams, OTC products, but everything I have tried just irrates it worse. I even tried natural remedys to clear it up such as salt, toothpaste, and the worst thing I used was apple cider vinegar, which ended up burning the heck out of my face. I never seen a dermatologist because I don't want to be on pills.


But I hate the feeling of feeling bumps all over my face. It's so gross! Most of the time I don't even let my BF touch my face. I usually am covering up with lots of makeup. I don't think it will go away. I have a feeling the acne came from stress b/c I feel always stressed out. Does anyone else suffer from severe acne/acne marks and what do you do about it?

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I am currently suffering from moderate and persistent acne. Its onset came out of the blue last year and I have been struggling ever since. Like you, I have tried nearly every remedy under the sun. I probably have spent more money on acne products than the GNP of most third world countries, and still, nothing has helped.


And, like you, I think that it might have something to do with stress, since the past three years of my life have been marked with a lot of upheavals and emotional distress.


I have a million different bits of information I have gathered for the treatment of acne, a lot of great websites, one of which is link removed


For the red marks, I have some advice: every night, a mask made out of one egg white and 1 tsp. lemon juice (try to get organic, or fresh squeezed organic), whipped with a fork until a little frothy. Apply to face for 20 minutes (it will feel really stiff when it dries) then wash it off. This helps lessen red marks if you use it regularly.


Also, if you can find MSM powder and take 1-10 grams/day, mixed with some vitamin C and a little lemon juice. If you try this for two months, it may also help lessen red marks. These red marks can take 6 months to 2 years to completely fade. It's a tough to know that, but the consolation is that there are not permanent.


If you can, you might try to buy Total EFA by Health From the Sun, which is a combination of Borage oil, Evening Primose Oil ,and Flaxseed oil. 1 TBSP of this daily has been known to help the skin.


At this point in time, I am trying Vitamin B5 therapy, which is an emerging vitamin therapy that has shown promising results.


I also apply tea tree oil (diluted) to my problem areas, and in time, the skin reportedly responds to the oil, which kills bacteria and helps soothe inflammation.


I think that stress and hormones play a big part in skin problems, but there are thousands of theories as to why acne occurs, and it is on the rise.


If you have any questions, please email me...I would be happy to help you with any advice. We can share our victories and woes.


The scars of acne are not just physical...They are emotional, too. My self-esteem is zero right now, and I cry everyday. I look forward to the day that I might have this problem eased. I pray that you do, too.

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how old are u? i used to suffer from acne too..and its really part of growing up. but i really understand how badly it affects your self-esteem.


after seeing a dermatologist, my complexion got better and now its slowing clearing up. I really feel that you should consult a dermatologist. he or she would probably provide you with a good anti bacterial wash, some cream to dry up the oily skin and perhaps pills (vitamin A).


if you are concerned about taking pills, ask the doctor what are the side effects. then decide for yourself if its wise to consume them. as for me, i am on isotretinine (vitamin A).


other than that, i guess the usual advice on drinkin lots of water, enough sleep. it would be good if someone can provide more advice, because i am also looking for the secret to beautiful skin.

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I had acne really bad for about 8 years. There is not a lot you can do about it. The thing I found was don't let your skin dry out and the best way to dry it out is keep washing and keep using all sorts of ointments and stuff.


What I did was use a cloth to wash my face well with plain water 3 times a day. I tried all the things you did too and this worked best. It didn't cure it but it calmed it down A LOT.

Don't expect a miracle cure especially if you're a teenager, all you can do is keep it under control and it will go away eventually.

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Roaccutane. I had it when my acne was starting to get bad...cleared it up so fast you could literally see the difference in a matter of days. Only downside is my lips were so dry...like really, you have no idea o_0 But...Lipbalm solved that and I just carried that around with me.

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I'm 25 and never had acne in my life until about 5 months ago.Last month I even posted here about it and asked if anyone had been through the samething.I ended up seeing my doctor and she put me on a perscription medication.So far its worked pretty well.I don't know how old you are,but she said that in adults acne is literaly an infection in your skin.Thats why they treat it with antibiotics.I know it suck's but if I were you I'd just go to your family doctor.I wish I would of went sooner instead of trying all the store bought stuff that doesnt do anything.


My acne started right after my girlfriend dumped me,I got fired from my job, and I had to move into a new place in a new town.I'm pretty sure stress started it all.

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Acne sufferer for years. Most important thing is frequent washing of the face. Consult a dematoligist, they now what might work best for you. There may be other things he suggests that aren't pills. He can work with you to find something that works better.


Also don't forget that you are still just as beautiful as anyone else. Lots of people go through acne problems. Blame genetics and natural skin conditions being not very helpful. Your boyfriend still loves you, because he loves the person you are, not your skin. Try not to be too self conscious about it.

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I just wanted to add that you have to be really carfeful with overwashing your face, as that can actually worsen your skin by irritating it and upsetting the oil balance.


I have struggled with my skin since grade five - I'm now 20 - so I know how frustrating it can be. Everyone's case is different, so it's really hard to pick and choose what will work for you. Proactive is the only thing that keeps my skin under control, although I know not all people have had successful experiences with it. I also used to take birth control, since it helps regulate hormones, which can also be the cause.


One thing I read in my researching, was that using too many different products at once can also cause your skin to react, so try not to overload your skin. One thing you might want to try is zinc cream, which is really mild, used actually for diaper rash on babies, of all things, and it is also good for healing small cuts, burns, etc. It doesn't really prevent acne, but it seems to heal and smooth individual bumps much faster - it's good for spot treatment, and doesn't cost much.


Oh, and for when your skin is pretty clear, the new microdermabrasion systems are amazing for smoothing out your skin -- Neutrogena is the most gentle. It's great for making your skin look better under makeup (which helps with self-esteem issues), although I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to use it when your face has active acne -- you'd have to see.


Anyway, I hope this helps at least a little, and good luck!

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i dont get spots often but when i do, i find the best thing to get rid of the redness is to dip a q-tip in some lemon juice and dab it on the spots every night before bed. i dont know if this works for everyone but it makes a huge difference for me.

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thanks everyone for the advice, your all very helpful... its been a daily struggle as I look for new cures and remedys. I also sometimes experience pain from the clusters I have. It's terrible. You all gave me a lot of great advice though so I hope to read through it all and try a few solutions. Thanks again!!!~

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