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How does one get over looking so young?


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ok, this is getting serious because it is getting very, EXTREMELY annoying. i am 22, but i look like i'm under 18. Sometimes when i go to a bar or club i don't get carded and sometimes i do.


But it seems everytime i go out, someone has to point out the fact that i look so young. For example, last night, i went out and there was a cop at the door. And he told the guy who was taking the cover fee's 'yeah, you better check his I.D.' and I'm like 'ok? Just because i'm not older than dirt, like you, you have to be critical of me?'...then he proceeded to yell at me. it was funny but at the same time irritating.


Now, obviously, i don't have a lot of problems with my confidence, but I do get a little shaken up by the 'you look so young' type comments. This especially applies to when I go to flirt with a girl at a bar/club or anywhere outside of work or college for that matter; and they think i'm some little punk kid or something.l


Is there anything I can do to avoid this type of stuff? Anyone have any advice that may shapen my attitude or allow me to brush it off more easily? At first, it was easy to brush it off. But when it happens all the time, it just seems to get harder.


There just has to be something I can do to be taken more seriously...?

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Stand up straight with your shoulders back, hold yourself with confidence but not arrogance. Look people in the eye and speak firmly, know what you are going to say and say it clearly without stuttering. Act older and you will give off an aura of being older. Don't be sarcastic with cops or girls because that's what kids do. Treat people as you expect to be treated. Be polite but not fawning. Don't pretend to be someone else but do behave in a mature way all the time not some of the time.


When you want something, whether it be a drink at a bar or a date from a girl, ask for it politely but with the expectation of getting what you want without question. If you get carded thank the person for the compliment with an assured manner and show them the i.d. without complaint or any sort of whiny attitude, and then carry on as before.


It's all about confidence in yourself.

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"'yeah, you better check his I.D.' and I'm like 'ok? Just because i'm not older than dirt, like you, you have to be critical of me?'...then he proceeded to yell at me. it was funny but at the same time irritating. "


I got a laugh at of that lol


Be polite ,smile AND DN summed it up very nicely.


Good Luck!

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Dress older. People can look a lot older or younger depending on what they're wearing. I'm not sure how you dress, so I don't know if this will help


You shouldn't be offended when someone asks you for ID. In my job/country, where the legal age for drinking is 18, we're required to ask anyone for ID that looks as if they could be under 25. Sometimes, we do irritate people that are outside of this bracket, and inside it like yourself... but realistically, there are so many different people and different looks out there, it can be really difficult to reliably tell how old someone is. We ask anyone that looks under 25, not to insult them in any way, but to simply cover our backs because we can't afford to sell alcohol to people that are underage.


Try putting yourself in that cop's shoes. He's just doing his job, and really isn't doing so to get at you in any way. Think about it: If you were in his place, you wouldn't be too pleased by what you said either, now would you?

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I am actually the opposite of you, in that I look older than my age. I am 21 almost 22 and people say that I look 23 all the way up to 28. It does get annoying, but I have gotten use to it. I just don't let it bother me and if it does I will think about something else.


Like the other posters said, wear clothes that make you older, but not to old becuse if you dress to old for the age your body looks then it looks bad. Since you said that you look 18, but really 22 I would try and dress like a 20 year old. That should help you some. Also when you get older you may start to look older as you age. This does happen to a fair amount of people.

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Yeah im 21 and get mistaken for being about 31. Which i suppose makes our situations quite differant but hang in there man. If its just getting turned away at clubs that worries you then youre not the only one. I used to get turned away for red eyes regularly.

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I'm 24 and often get ID'd in bars where u have to be 18! I especially get asked when buying alcohol in supermarkets, so I can sympathise! Sometimes the people asking look younger than me too, and it's difficult not to get irritated if they aren't very polite or seem to be talking down to you. I would try and take the "high road" though - don't let them see that u are bothered, just tell yourself that they are jealous u look so young!

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OMG! Someone please brighten my day and card me!


Enjoy being carded, the day will come when you miss it. DN is very correct, look and act like an adult. Many people in their twenty's, thirty's and "ahem"..40's have that baby face look. It's not a curse, it's a blessing! Being carded is a part of growing up don't let it put a * * * * * in your ego because someone is doing their job. You subject yourself to being carded by going to places such as this, get used to it.



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Hmm, sounds familiar. I am 23 (almost 24) and I often get mistaken for 18 or younger. I used to hate it. I've had 16 year olds hitting on me at church. It's just wrong. lol I don't mind dating someone a few years younger, but that is just gross.


I've also been told to grow a goatee or something, but I hate facial hair, so no chance. Besides, some women like a baby face. It's not the worst thing in the world. (Better than being 200 pounds overweight! lol)

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I'm the same way and I saw on the show "what not to wear" some girls who had the same problem. their solution --the way they did the hair, an the way they did the clothes.


that might help --ask someone who dresses in a way you like and get them to help you dress and do your hair and that might help

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I'm 24 and I will still get asked if I need a parent/guardian to sign my doc release forms. My Mom said I should get used to it she was carded until she was over 30. My old roommate was at work in a new division and one of her co-workers asked her if it was bring your daughter to work day. Does it really matter what people think, though. It's just a number.

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I'm 20 but I look 12!


I used to care, but now I have a high self-esteem and I'm very muti-talented which gives me even more pride...besides, now I have funny stories to tell people like when I go out to the store to buy mature rated video games, I end up havin to show some ID LOL(happned 3 times). I have so funny stories from my appearance ha ha-


Many people spend lots of money trying to look younger...we look younger for free! At some point in time we must've taken a sip from the fountain of youth...embrace it!


When people got upset where I worked they'd say let me speak to your manager...after they're done mouthing off to me, I tell the I AM THE MANAGER (because really was lol) yeah...they changed their attitudes real quick after that lol


At any rate, if it's hard to get dates because you look young, remember this:

There are people who'll like you

There are people who won't like you

There are people who don't care about you


stick to the first group^_^ and toss aside negativity...and to be taken more seriously, just be assertive...and forget about people who don't take you seriously...some people will take you seriously and others wont...that applies to everyone in the world...I think...


I actually like the little punk kid look! It makes me cute/charming/rough around the edges lol


Good Luck-

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I'm 21 in two months....and have been rejected twice in the last year with my real ID. Bouncers insist that it is fake or not me! If my real government issued identification with my picture won't work, what else am I supposed to do?! (rhetorical question lol)... they insist i just look way too young (14, 15 max). I'm not angry or upset, it's become rather funny - sigh! lol

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