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Here's a culmination.


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When a person, such as myself, is so withdrawn from the people around him...


When a person, such as myself, is faced with a series of unrelated events of absurd nature in his life...


How can he ever ask himself what the meaning of life is?


It is like asking whether aliens exist.


**** would I know, and not only that, I won't be certain.


And I never will be.


And so will noone else.


The new question of the day should be...


How do you deal with the absurd nature of life?


That should replace any instances of "what the meaning of life is".


It is not about what we do either in my mind.


For it all amounts to nothing in at least an objective sense.


And if we're going to go the subjective route and claim that is something to us, then by all means go ahead.


But you aren't certain.


And so you could be living big, fat illusions your whole life.


What it's really about is to stop asking the original question and ask the new question.


We are built to survive without meaning...


And given that we tend to adapt so well to certain situations...


Why not adapt to having no grasp on life.


And just know our fate as a species.


Yet be so free.


Can we finally convince ourselves that we are too limited of a species to ever grasp life in an objective sense?


For what if there is something other than objectivity and subjectivity going on?


What if there are infinite amounts of such things?


See, we won't ever reach the true end of it all.


Not at least before the sun blows up.

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I have to give credit to Albert Camus, whose works have been occupying my mind recently. Although a small part of me says that he is basically 'giving up' on such things and learning how to deal with the 'giving up'. But I think the things he says have a lot of truth to them. If you look at what philosophers have done over the span of hundreds of years, you see that not much has been accomplished as far as finding actual meaning in our lives. In the sense of acutality, I would go as far as to say that we either have a grasp or we don't have a grasp. How do we know if it's in between if we're talking in terms of actuality and not possibility? If we do not yet have a grasp, then we have not made any real progress except for the progress we perceive in our minds. The way I see it, we're all about to die anyway. Whether it's tomorrow, later on in life, or before the sun blows up. So let's deal with that in a positive way yet not give ourselves too many illusions.

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I love philsophy, and tend to ask the big questions all the time. But I've noticed a trend of people asking the questions to the point where they lose sight of whats right in front of them. So focused on details, that they forget the larger picture.


The tendency to look outwards for meaning to life often neglects the importance of looking within. The meaning of life is, in my mind at least, an easy question to answer. It's to do good and help others, doing our best to make this world the kind of place we all aspire it to me. It's in seeking to make heaven here on earth, and at the same time expanding ourselves to realize our full potential.


Questions of why certain things happen, can vary depending on the circumstances surrounding it. It's up to us to create the meaning in our lives. We make our choices, we decide how things will go, or at least how we will respond to things when they happen to us.


I may be a radical, but I believe we are more then we assume we are. I believe we can transcend ourselves and reach a point where we do understand everything. Yes, it may be ages before that happens and it is a long, slow process, but it will happen one day. And as far as the sun going supernova and destroying our process, thats why I'm big on space travel. If we can venture to the stars, then the end of one world, doesn't have to be the end of our species.

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