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Birthday Gift Idea

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need help to buy a gift for girl whom i am having this feeling for. but she probably

does not know. we hang out sometime lately, with mutual friends. her b-day

will be next week. want to give her a small gift or something...just don't want

to make it too obvious....like to take it slow....any idea?


thinking of a music cd .... any suggestion on a good pick


thanks a lot, you guys are awesome

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How well do you know this girl? (just curious).


A CD sounds like a good idea, do you know what sort of music she likes?


I bought a Terramundi Pot for a girl i liked, didn't know her that well but anyway it's a money pot that can collect up too £200 in silver coins which you smash once full and make wish, but it would depends on how well you know her for that sorta gift prehaps.

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