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Smoking & Dates


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You're trying to be slick -- adding the P.S. about the ex! Cool for you!


But you're right, I WILL NOT date a smoker. Did it once, the guy was gorgeous and I was really drawn to him like never before, but I couldn't kiss him. He made jokes that Listerine makes a difference, but I couldn't get over how just his clothes smelled of smoke. I couldn't kiss a chimney, as they say.


Honestly, if I see a handsome man and he smokes, I lose interest.


I am fearful, perhaps, of falling for a smoker and then not having them in my life for as long as necessary, due to health problems.


Comments from others??

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I used to smoke.. Since I was 14 and I quit successfully about a year an a half ago. I can't date someone that smokes. First, now that I don't smoke I can smell how terrible it really does smell, second, I can't stand to kiss someone that tastes like an ashtray, and third and most importantly it's too much of a temptation for me to be around someone very often that smokes.. I don't want to pick up the habit again. Hanging out with friends for a few hours that smoke is fine but a serious relationship.. No way.

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Cigars, cognac and some nice jazz is sexy, constantly lighting up to get a fix isn't. Cigarettes are a just a waste, a waste of money and your health. By far smoking is one of the most inconsiderate things anyone could do. They poison you more than themselves, not to mention the stains it leaves on the walls, the stink is penetrating everything. Grosses me out.

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I don't mind it, but then I am a smoker myself. Even when I wasn't a smoker I didn't mind it though. Its not that big of a deal to me. My current boyfriend smokes. I quit for a few days and he kept smoking and it didn't bother me. I still kissed him, lol. I didn't have any cravings while he smoked either. so i dunno. thats what i think.

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Although I was a smoker years ago I now have a hrad time being a round people who do.


Interesting you got back with the ex. Congratulations. How about some details as to how that happened?


We just met up, and I just played it cool without mentioning anything. Then eventually she was the one who came to me about telling me her feelings. (that took about a week or two after we met the first time) And since i didnt push her to say it by talking about the past it meant more to me having her approach me about it.

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