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ex is crazy..again

Big Jim

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Man, just venting here. My ex is nuts i think. I went to class, everyhting was good. Her and I were walking to the cafe, when i asked why her friend acts so werid to me these days. She said she didnt know, and kinda as a joke maybe she likes you. Well i guess she started thinking and was all asking me, "you wouldnt ever, would you?" etc. This has happened before, so i was finally like, (kind of lightly and jokingly) "you care more about me dating other people then what is going on between us". Well she got all mad and snappy towards me, until i was like "whatever im not apoligizing for that, it was a dumb remark im sorry if it hurt you somehow, but it is how i feel, im going home". So i left. Talk about double standards. She has hung out with another guy (nothing like that), and expected me to be cool with it, but hte mere metion of me and someone else drives her up the wall... i dont get her

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