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Approaching girls in a group of their friends?


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So today I had a 6 hour break between classes. I was in the cafeteria trying to fight off boredome. I noticed a qute girl 2 tables over. She was with a friend. The one facing toward me kept looking and smiling at me. She appeared to be pretty outgoing, so maybe she acts like that all the time. But after about 10 minutes of the glance/smile thing, both of her feet were stretched way out in my direction, and her legs were moving up and down like a person would if they mimick the beat to music. Whats everybody think?? Could she be interested? And If I was to act on this situation, how would you go about it. I can barely approach a girl when she is alone, I think it would be twice the anxiety asking them out in front of their friend.


All Advice appreciated


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Dealt with the same evil situation myself tonight, friend. It sucked. Had myself all psyched up to ask this one person out, but couldn't get the chance to talk to her one-on-one, so I didn't ask. I applaud any man who can just brazenly go up to a girl and her friend(s) and ask her out. That man... is my hero (and sounds like a work of a great myth too, IMO).

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Aproaching a group of girls is one of the most intimidating things I can think of.Ive blown countless opertunities by trying to get that one on one.The hard truth is you just have to get up and do it.My roommate literaly pushed me into groups of girls when I was first single again.After awhile it gets easier and I hope it will get easier yet.My roomate has been single for years and he has absoultley no fear.He said it just gets easier and easier and you have to lool at the situation as an experiment.Not life or death.

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Why does it seem so impossible to iniate convos with women??? I think I can achieve anything, no matter how impossible it seems, (example: Build the worlds biggest building, or bridge, ...etc) but this business of asking strangers out is the one thing I don't think I'll ever be able to do. Help!


I think that God doesn't really want people getting together anymore. Maybe the world's getting too crowded or something. *shrugs*

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