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What do i do now?

Big Jim

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My whole story is under another thread, the IS THERE A CHANCE? one. However i am very very confused as of late. I had decided to play it cool with my ex and see how things would pan out. She has been having a lot of problems and blames a lot on me. However last week was a good sign, because when i saw her she was in a good mood, and things were left on good terms, then she missed a bunch of school because she was so miserable, this was a good sign becuase i obviously did not influence this at all, which was reassuring. Well, firday i got to school and she was standing in the hall waiting for me, very upset. Had said she had a horrible morning and wanted to talk. We skipped class and hung out all day, had an amazing time. She called me a bunch friday night, and then saturday we hung out and had a great time again. We talked sunday and now have again today. Im so confused because i dont know what to do, she talks to me like we are still together, hinting at things and implying im the best thing to ever happen to her. Yet we clearly are not and i still do not know why. She obviously misses me, it is more then just the idea of me, that much i am sure. Yet everytime the topic of "us" comes up , she gets very frustrated and i get no answers. She tells me that if i didnt bring us up everytime things were going good again, things would go a lot smoother (i dont intentionally bring it up, but when she says the stuff she does about us, it is hard to avoid); but from my side of the situation, i have no answers and do not know where i stand. Should i just continue to be cool about it and see what happens, should i NC her? Should i push for answers? I dont know what to believe anymore, weather she is just fed up with talking, or if talking stresses her because it makes her feel guiltly. It is very frustrtaing for me, and would not mind some peoples opinions on this, if you have time read some of the otehr thread for background. Thanks

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Hello, I will tell you how I see this.


- Your ex seems to be a person who doesn't take responsibility of her life, if things go wrong she blames you, if you are not around to be blamed she'll look for support.


- She goes out of her way to get help from you but wouldn't give anything back. You have to be there for her, she can wait in a hall for you but you cannot do the same.


- She calls you whenever she wants and says only things she wants, she talks like you are together but is not acting like you can feel the same, there are signs that she is only using you to feel okay, she doesn't want commitment or discussing problems, she just wants the good things and give nothing in return.


I read some of the background of the story but of course you're the only one who knows if you are ignoring red flags here. I think you should stop talking to her, she doesn't sound ready for a 50/50 relationship.

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