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What's a good comeback to "you're too nice"


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And i would steer clear of sarcastic, chastizing remarks. If you want to come back strong than it should seem like you really don't care about what she said and your happy with who YOU are.


And the words that come out of your mouth should be strong but not aggressive (key word there) its possible to be assertive without being a jerk.


Anything you say should be said 'matter of factly' but still on the lighter side of the conversation, unless of course they pursue it further from there, then its open season my friend.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would respond to "you're such a nice guy" with "I know, even though I'm surrounded by mean and nasty people I still manage to remain true to myself."


I like this one! You could say it in such a smart tone and perhaps even with a bit of a fruity accent if you're feeling out there/energetic enough... and everyone would laugh and she'd be totally shot down


Many great options/ideas though

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I'm in favor of anything where you say nothing. A lot of people talk just to get a reaction, and in my opinion, the best way of getting back at those people is by doing absolutely nothing.


Also, being able to remain dignified in such situations shows a lot of character.

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K, help a gurl out here: This whole scenerio is very interesting too me. When I say to to a guy "Aw, thats so sweet of u" or "u r a nice guy" I mean it as a compliment. What should I say instead of that then since some guys don't like to be called nice? I guess I am trying to understand this whole concept cuz I woulda never guessed guys would have an issue with being called nice. Yes, girlz do like bad boyz sometimes, but I have fell for so many in the past and got hurt. I am ready to meet a "nice" guy so to speak. But is there a different I should be using instead of nice?


Sorry I don't have any advice for u, but if I was a girl and said "you are such a nice guy" and meant it, and if the guy was rude or disrespectful cuz of what I said, it would really bother me and I wouldn't understand.

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I always mean it as a compliment, too.


Venturer, I can think of a couple comebacks. How about a variant of:


--Aww, but I'm mean and nasty on the inside. (Smile)


--Nah, I'm just good at faking it. (Wink)


--Uh oh, gotta work on that! (Look of mock horror)


--(Nudge a guy friend.) She doesn't know me very well, does she?


--Well, one hates to be predictable. (Useful in a lot of circumstances; enigmatic enough to come accross as clever yet still make her think.)

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When my ex was hauling her clothes out the door in a trash bag after ending it, she told me I'm a nice guy. I could do without hearing that for the rest of my days. No such luck.


Hey, my husband used trash bags, too! But he said I was sweet, not nice.

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If someone says you are a nice guy, smile and say thank you. If they mean it, they will feel good that you've accepted the compliment instead of insulting them. If they don't mean it, you show them that they can't get to you with a lame attempt at a put down. I mean, telling someone they are nice is insulting? Then I welcome that insult. Come on everyone, feel free to insult me!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find when they say you are a "nice guy" they mean that it would be alot easier for them to reject you if you weren't so nice, so they feel bad about it and might beat around the bush a little more, but your boringness has failed you and you are "outta there", no matter how nice and well you treated her.


I hate hearing it all the time too, because I treat women so extremely well, yet I am so unconfident and boring that it isn't enough to try to compensate with presents and compliments and thoughtfulness, when they are with me they are watching the clock and yawning.

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That's not the case monsieur, thats just how you perceive yourself. I have been in that frame of mind, where I think I am boring and wonder why a girl wants to spend time with me. That sent a message to her that I didn't want to be around her, because I was the one putting myself down. But when I let go and was just me, not worrying how I came accross or thinking I would bore her, we've always had great times.

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