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So... February 14th is nearly upon us...

Kevin T

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every V day I tell to myself... no I won't be single.. by the next one there would be misses beside me.. still no one.. so I really do not like V day.. if I had some one special .. hell yeah I would love it; dun get my wrong I am romantic I'll do crazy thing for someone I care a lot about.. but when you don't have someone.. what the heck are you suppose to do? watch other couples having a great time together

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v-day is no special occasion..i will probably spend that day at work blowing up about thousands of balloons, turning them into bouquetss ( i work at a party store) It's funny when you see those last minute desperate customers trying to buy SOMETHING for their girlfriends...asking you if we have anything in stock!!! its like...ummm, why didnt you come earlier!!!!!!! to me this valentines day will be just another crazy day!!!

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For the past few years, every Valentines day I have organised a Valentines Losers party, where all us singletons get together and have a party. It's usually pretty fun.


A friend of mine worked at a radio station that threw the "Bitterness Ball" around Valentine's day. Listeners were invited to bring pics, letters, other mementos of their exes and toss them into a bonfire before going into the party "to meet their next ex."

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A friend of mine worked at a radio station that threw the "Bitterness Ball" around Valentine's day. Listeners were invited to bring pics, letters, other mementos of their exes and toss them into a bonfire before going into the party "to meet their next ex."


LOL that's an awesome idea ahahah I'd love to try that haha, but yet, I still hate valentinesss!!! argh

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Sounds like a lot of people care more about their money than about being in a relationship. I'm not sure if it's making a virtue out of necessity, bitterness (hey, I can relate there) or just plain avarice.


I agree - it's sad the world in general has got like this. Most people seem to put Money/Career as #1 and Relationships #2 these days... Many men might put Relationships even lower, judging by how many women complain they don't pay them enough attention or spend enough time with them (eg: they are at sporting events, drinking with friends, golfing etc. far too much)...

I'm glad to say that I'm one of those who still believes as love and relationship as being #1 no matter what....

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I'll take the chance to maybe get myself a cute heart pilllow or something girly thats not usually in stores. For the most part it so overly commercialized it doesn't seem important anyway. I'm actually sick of over hearing girls gabbing at each "Oh, so and so better do something special for me or I'll {insert vindictive sentiment} to him". Anymore I think its been so popularized that theres such an expectation of romance, that it has trivialized it.

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I once put relationship before career.

Now that I'm single, my paycheck mocks me for it.


Read a personals ad. Career and income are often the biggest requirements women go for. Ironic, isn't it?.

Women want love and attention, commitment and communication....from a guy with a solid career and good income.

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Dako, I think that is so funny. My ex wife hated my successful career and wanted me to quit. After being with the company for almost 7 years, I quit. I went to work for some internet start up companies and had a very rough couple of years. When she decided to divorce me, it was because I lacked ambition and she did not see me keeping a job. Can you F'n believe that? The funny thing about V-day is that it is the best day for a single guy to go out. There are many women out there looking for nice companionship. I may go out that night. lol

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Read a personals ad. Career and income are often the biggest requirements women go for. Ironic, isn't it?.

Women want love and attention, commitment and communication....from a guy with a solid career and good income.


Very true. Women want money, status and someone who can provide for her and her children. Men want the looks and youth.

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I am thinking that I will go out V-day night, maybe I can give some lucky single girl some companionship...lol




I am up for that 100%.. but where exactly can a single guy go on V day to meet women? clubs (90% are drunk and probably looking around to get boned!!!) bars might be better.. and where else can you go? should you go out alone ? or with friends (single ones obviously ??

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I am dreading V-Day. I am 3 weeks into a separation from my wife at the moment. I still don't know whether I should try to do something or not as I seem to be getting slightly mixed signals now..................arghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!


Ideally I'd like to work things out & get back together. But then I don't know if I should push the issue or not. Yet if I do nothing she will probably be upset that I don't care..............................

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I have mixed feelings about Vday. I've never really celebrated it, even when i did have a boyfriend.


The guy I have been seeing for the past month, well he is busy with his family this week, and he invited me to come hang out but I wanted to give him some time with them, and next week my uncle is in town, so we really won't get to hang out until valentines weekend (which is what i'm calling it since it falls on MY weekend) and he has the same weekend as me, so it could either be good or bad. Either we are gonna get really distant these next to weeks and it will all fall apart, or we will miss each other so much it will be a great time.


But I don't care either way. i never really cared much for celebrating it so , you know

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I am up for that 100%.. but where exactly can a single guy go on V day to meet women? clubs (90% are drunk and probably looking around to get boned!!!) bars might be better.. and where else can you go? should you go out alone ? or with friends (single ones obviously ??


Ahh funny, because I usually worry that 90% of the guys I meet are drunk and just want a girl who will put out for them. Lol. I suppose that's just the clubbing scene though. You might have better luck at a bar, like you said, though I do suggest bringing friends. If you go alone, it may look like you're only there for one purpose (to get laid, even if that's not your purpose), but if you're with friends, you may be more approachable because it looks like you're just out to have fun.

I know this probably sounds a bit loser-ish, but I've heard of "singles night" at some bars on valentine's day that you can go to. There are also classier singles events on valentines day at places like hotels, convention centers, etc. for people seeking more serious relationships.

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I am a romantic and always will be but I am a guarded romantic now...


Ever since celebrating the day with an ex and having her dumping me that night ....


I have not liked the day since...I still am romantic but I always have the worst in the back of my mind...


This year I have no worry's as I am single again...Think I will just get drunk and not watch the happy couple's this year...


Maybe one year I will find the right person........

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I used to think just like most of you guys do. That V=day is an over-hyped hallmark holiday. But this year I am with someone I truly love, and I have found that my attitude towards the day has changed. i agree that you should do things for the person you love everyday, but I also think you should not let that person know it on that day too. I kind of look at it as an excuse to be overly-romantic with my girl.

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