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should I email to prof.?


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I am taking a Static and Dynamics (aka rigid body mechanics) course and I am having a difficult time accepting horrible 15 minute "lectures" from the TA for the class. The teacher never announced that he would be gone so I do not know if this is the case and it is just temporary (God, I hope it is just temporary!). Let me tell you a bit about the class...


I have no idea what we will be learning but so far have been looking at stuff we learned in physics. We had a teacher for one day and it was not that bad. He hands us a sheet and then proceeds to do the problems on the handout sheet. We pay attention and solve for the problems in class. We turn it back in because he takes attendance. This is a class of exactly 65 students. I do not know if we get basically our notes back or not. The actual teacher taught the class once and class lasted 50 minutes like it should.


For the past two class periods the TA (horrible teacher) basically writes down the solutions to the problems we have to do. Doesn't discuss it...doesn't say a word. Can't answer questions at all. He just...well...sucks! This lasts 10-15 minutes and then class is over.


I am very concerned that the whole semester will be like these two classes. I mean I am going to class to be taught...not copy what is on teh board and teach it myself. If I could I would drop this class, but I need to take it badly or I fall behind, and I need it so that I can be considered a full time student (I am just taking 12 hours). How can I email the teacher and ask him if all the classes will be like this? And inform him of my concerns about our horrible TA's teaching ability without coming accross as offensive? ](*,)


The textbook sucks too. It's one of teh worst textbooks I have ever used.

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Hmmm.... I think it's extremely important that you be diplomatic about this. Yes, I think you should inform the prof, that while you appreciate the answers to the questions, you would find it more useful to have actual lectures.


Honestly, the TA probably doesn't know the subject well enough, and that's why he's not giving lectures on it...


Is there some way you can find out when the prof is coming back? It could be sometime soon... Why don't you send an e-mail to the TA and ask him when the prof is coming back? Or, contact the department office and ask how long will the prof be on the vacation/business trip?

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In my experience, problem TAs are best dealt with en masse. It's one thing for you to go to the professor and complain about the TA. It's a totally different thing if 10 or 15 people show up with the exact same complaints. Then he or she will understand that this really is a problem and it's not just you.


Talk to your other classmates to see if the issues are the same. Discuss how to approach the professor. And then make an appointment together to see them. Stick to the facts and not that "the TA sucks". Give the professor the details about what is happening. Time the class and write it down so they know that the TA isn't spending the allotted time to teach you.


I wouldn't use email. See the professor in person. If you can't reach the professor, take it up the chain to your faculty advisor or the department head.

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Cichlid chick,


Did you try to talk with the TA one-on-one? Perhaps you can get to the root of this problem by speaking to the TA first? Maybe it's the TA's first couple of classes and he's new? Maybe he could explain the problems better one-on-one? Just an idea...


good luck


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Cichlid chick,


Did you try to talk with the TA one-on-one? Perhaps you can get to the root of this problem by speaking to the TA first? Maybe it's the TA's first couple of classes and he's new? Maybe he could explain the problems better one-on-one? Just an idea...


good luck


Well, I would but in all honestly I have no idea what we are even doing in the class. So how can I even ask about problems I am having. I also know I will be able to understand it easily...I'm a pretty bright student. It just upsets me because I expect a class. Y'know?


I do not think anyone but me will complain because most seem content with the fact that they get out of class early. I know I can get a few people together to talk with the teacher...but not 15 students. I do not even know if this is a temporary situation or not.

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*Rolling my eyes....*


You mean you can't just pick up rigid body dynamics??? It's like... a way easy class!


LOL - j/k


Hmmm... you can ask the department office, perhaps the prof is only gone for this week. Can you ask the TA when the prof will come back?

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As a TA I have to say its not easy teaching. RB dynamics is difficult to explain as is, so compond that with inexperience and stage fright, you will most likely get poor quality. Sad to say this can be the way of things at universities that don't require a PhD to teach all the time. It may be your prof is at a conference. There's a big one this week in Tampa, FL, my prof is there now. I'm not teaching class (thank god) but I'm expected to help the TA who is.


As a student I will tell you that your money is not being well spent if you feel the class 'sucks'. If you do contact your Prof about it, please, PLEASE, for your own good be professional and courteous. Academics can get real defensive and offended if you insult their work, ie their teaching. Be careful.


PS: I've TAed Orbital Mechanics and Spacecraft Attitude Dynamics for 2 yrs now and I don't know half of what my Prof does, I'm still learning, too.

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First off, I commend you on your dedication--I would imagine that someone enrolled in a Static and Dynamics course is very bright...and taking it because they are really interested in it.


I agree with annie24--find out if this is going to be a temporary or regular thing. Then proceed from there. If it requires sending an email to the professor don't feel bad about it. It's your tuition dollars paying for their salaries....



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Yeah, I agree with C.Butterfly. I was a TA previously and I know that sometimes when a student complains, it is easy for them to come accross as a spoiled brat instead of a bright student with a legitimate complaint.


Hopefully, the prof is at a conference and will be back shortly. Pull together at least a few other students and maybe a few of you can collectively contact the prof if the prof will be gone longer than another few lectures.

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Are you sure this is just a termporary situation? Back in my university, professors sometimes were out of town for a week or so but they would have announced it before departure--and it was usually at the beginning of the semester, argh. I don't suppose any professor, at least in good schools, would abandoned his class entirely. Anyway, find out when the professor is coming back. Discuss any question about the topics you have covered so far with other classmates as in study groups. Early materials are usually essential as a foundation for the rest of semester--make sure you master them. I don't what school you go to, but isn't the TA supposed to cover the topics first then do the problems? Or is this just a recitation of some sort?

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Are you sure this is just a termporary situation? Back in my university, professors sometimes were out of town for a week or so but they would have announced it before departure--and it was usually at the beginning of the semester, argh. I don't suppose any professor, at least in good schools, would abandoned his class entirely. Anyway, find out when the professor is coming back. Discuss any question about the topics you have covered so far with other classmates as in study groups. Early materials are usually essential as a foundation for the rest of semester--make sure you master them. I don't what school you go to, but isn't the TA supposed to cover the topics first then do the problems? Or is this just a recitation of some sort?
It is a great university! It's mostly a review of physics and forces and trig. The professor discussed them and wrote it down but teh TA seems to want to get out of there quickly.
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I have been in such a sittuation...


I swear from wat i have learnt..instead of complaining to the higher authorities..talk the teacher who is not teaching u properly,who u have a problem with..


If it doesnt work,then u can collect a group of people n complain to the person incharge..thats the principal or someone like that


But please,let ur TA know that hes not doing well,and that u cant understand any thing that he's taught before going to ur professor..hope u get my point..


It will hurt his ego if u dont talk it out with him...trust me

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