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For about a year or so i've had a lump under my right nipple. I am one of those people that doesnt see the doctor to easily. I am pretty sure that it is 'male gynecomastia'. But i'm just wondering if there is anything i can do for it. and how long does it last???



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'Pretty sure' is NOT good enough and 'male gynecomastia' is NOT a diagnosis because you are NOT a doctor. You need to see one as soon as possible. Don't be a chicken when your life is at risk. Get it checked out and take the worry off your mind once and for all.

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Go to the doctor, lumps in the breasts that are persistent are not something to fool around with....men get breast cancer as well, especially the hereditary forms which can be much more aggressive.


It may be nothing, but it could be something. Not liking to go to the doctor is a rather foolish reason to risk your life on. If it is something serious there is nothing "you" can do but get treatment which can require surgery and so forth.


Not something you want to mess around with, what you can see/feel is only the tip of the iceberg, the longer you wait the more serious it can be.


I know a 25 year old male whom did not like going to the doctor, and ignored a lump in his testicle for months....he recently had both testicles removed, and major surgery on his abdomen. He had cancer, which had spread to his intestines, stomach, diaphragm. Is now going through chemo. And is now sterile and impotent for the rest of his life...which hopefully WILL be long. It's not worth "waiting it out" when it comes to cancer or other things like this.

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CB is right,


Men can get breast cancer too.


It's important that you get it checked out as soon as possible. I know that you are scared, but what happens if it's something serious that could potentially be treated if caught early?


On the flip side, what if it's nothing, wouldn't you rather know?


Gynecomastia tends to be symmetrical, (both breasts) and not a single lump.


Please get examined by your doctor and let us know what they say.

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I agree that you should get it checked as soon as possible. As they have said , men can get breast cancer too. I know its scary to wonder about the outcome. But the sooner you know for sure the better off you will be. I have in the past year had an issue with my breasts and was horrified at what the outcome might would be. I called as soon as i realized and made an appointment with my doctor, at which time he ordered tests and mammograms to be sure. The waiting is difficult on test results. You will feel better i think once you get ot a doctor and see whats going on. IF you have to wait on any test results, just try and stay busy and focus on the strong interests you have in hobbies or things you like to do. I do urge you to see a doctor in a timely manner. and i hope for good reports for you. Keep us posted.

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