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Ålter Ego

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Two shy souls

Who were made for another

So alive and so free

We were destined to be


I saw you at a party

Standing all alone

So shy in your stance

Too shy to dance


Your arms wrapped around you

All alone with your thoughts

Looking so insecure

So radiant and pure


I have seen you before

In my prayers and dreams

And now I can't look away

I just have so much to say


About how I can tell

That our spirits will click

But will you even care

Do I even dare


Our eyes would lock

Only to quickly pull apart

Our eyes would meet again

This time with shy grins


Our darting glances

Turn to awkward stares

Now is my chance

To ask you for this dance


I can see in it your eyes

That I am not alone

That you feel the same

That this is more than a game


But along comes another

With more confidence that me

Now you two get involved

As my hopes dissolve


He makes you laugh

And you forget about me

Now you have your dance

And I missed my chance


He won't let you go

Because he knows what he has

If I only knew

Then I would've danced with you


I take one last look

At your beautiful smile

As I go my own way

With still so much to say


I feel cluttered with remorse

As our ships passed by

On this terrible night

This unbearable night


You are gone from my life

But I will never forget

But I will always regret

That our souls never met...

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I like this very very much.


And SHY.. there was one very much like it........ was it a month or two ago????? why do I want to say it was about.... an office party????


both very nice poems.. btw... Love at first sight.


But your wrong in one respect.. your souls did meet. When your

eyes made contact... it was in the KNOWING. It was your mortal

shells that never made contact. But your souls met.. and recognized each other..


Kindred spirits.

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"The Shy One" by Romantic Sweetheart was the similar poem. No wonder I like them, the both mention "shy souls."


Shadows - Love your way at looking at it. The souls connect, even if the bodies don't. And just for that instant, there was a bond that can't be severed. Kindred spirits, searching through the night for each other.

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"The Shy One" by Romantic Sweetheart was the similar poem. No wonder I like them, the both mention "shy souls."


Shadows - Love your way at looking at it. The souls connect, even if the bodies don't. And just for that instant, there was a bond that can't be severed. Kindred spirits, searching through the night for each other.

Yeah, she's is indeed a talented sweetheart. She actually inspired me in a way. I was about a few lines in, then I remembered her poem and it gave me a visual from experiences that I had at parties. In fact, I told her it was the most heartfelt poem I ever read, being that I could relate like no other. Now if I could only change the ending...


EDIT: Holy freakin * * * *! I can't believe what I just did!!! ](*,)

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Kyo, did you just give yourself away? Posted under the wrong name perhaps? Left the alter ego slip through? Lets see, from new york, place named after a fruit. The sense of humor, the beautiful and heartfelt writing.... do we have a winner?

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Whoo!!! Mystery solved! I sent a pm to Shadow's light like a week ago saying I suspected you, but I got busy so I couldn't confirm my suspicions by doing the search. But the sense of humor was the biggest tip off. And when you mentioned in a PM to me that you write, I connected that with Alters talent in writing poetry. Plus, another member on the board pointed out to me that Alter's avatar is of a women, and the only guys who use a women on their avatar is me and Kyo.


Well, I think Kyo and Alter Ego are both good writers. And they should keep it up. And if you used your writing, you could impress girls all that much more.


Though I have a question, I've seen Alter and Kyo on at the same time. How can that work?

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Yes you did Shy!!! lol... I think somewhere along the line, I started trailing him...but, like you I had a horrible week and got busy.


Nice KYO.... lol.. very very nice. Does that mean there are no scooby snacks now????


Glad that I've got you putting pen to paper. I haven't written anything in over 18 years. Fallen actually inspired me and got me out of my cave.

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