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Different smell

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Ok. So if this makes anyone uncomfortable I'm sorry stop reading.


Latetly I have noticed that my " smell" has changed. I don't know why either. Is it weird that I noticed? What could have possibly made my smell change? I wash daily and keep myself clean. Anyone have ideas as to why?

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It's not weird that you noticed. You know your body best, so it's not surprising you'd notice a change like that. Could be a lot of things from what you've been eating lately to your exercise habits (if you're sweating more, it changes your "smell") to an infection of some kind. You might want to see a doctor so you can 1) rule out infection and 2) figure out what other things could cause the change.

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Go to your doctor to rule out any infections first of all. Your vagina has a balance of yeast and bacterias, or "flora". This balance can be disrupted by illness, birth control, sexual fluids, diet, certain soaps (using antibacterial soaps especially), and any number of other things which can lead to various infections (yeast, bacterial vaginosis). It could also be an STI. However, we cannot tell you over the internet!


First step is to rule anything out that can be harmful (untreated these things can lead to infertility, scarring, kidney infections(bad!)/bladder infections as bacteria travels, and so forth.


Hopefully it is nothing major and it can just be the result of your diet and so forth, but just rule the bad things out first.

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I agree that it could be any number of things that could change the odor. Could be a change in your diet, or as some one said, some medications can cause it as well. Also hormonal changes might possibly be a cause. IF its becoming a concern to you definitely see your doctor to rule out infections of any kind. Best to be sure and on the safe side. Odds are its something easily correctable.

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