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NC always the best?

Big Jim

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Well I guess its what ever you feel comfortable with if your gonna keep the nc you should stand your ground and not speak unless its class related and you should make her aware that this is what you want but then I guess that it some contact lol all in all I think you should go with what ever you can handle and feels comfortable to you.

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In your situation, low contact will just be stringing yourself along. You will keep clinging onto the hope that you will get back together for a very long time.


I've seen situations like yours very often and the best thing for you to do is tell your ex that you want her back. Tell her over and over again until you finally convince yourself to give up. It won't bring her back, at this time nothing you do will. But this is a bottom you have to hit before you can start to work your way back up.


You can still No Contact someone you see everyday, just don't talk to them. Don't make eye contact accross the room, don't say hi. If they come up to you, make the convo short and go on with your things.

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You will have contact inevitably if you're in class together. But you can keep it to a minimum. It depends on your goals...if you're hurting and you want to heal, then I'd recommend avoiding any unnecessary contact with your ex. If you're trying to reunite...I think it's just pure luck and the only thing you can do is move on the best you can and if it happens, it happens.

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