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Plus size girl


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Hey everyone I need some advice!!! Ok I have my first date ever this friday. Well the i have a bit of a problum.. Well as the head line says I am not no skinny girl. The thing is the guy i have the date with is know for dateing super skinny girls.. Well i am not that. I don't know if i am letting my insucurtys about my self get the best of me or if i really should be worryed about this... any advice would be helpfull


Thanks in advance!


Puffer 18

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Well apparently he wants to go on a date with you, so he has some attraction for you there.


I really think you just need to work on your confidence. He would not ask you out if he was not interested.


If you feel you want to be in better shape, then it is fine to start working out and eating healthier, within reason of course, but do it for you. Do it to be strong, and healthy. And strong and healthy does not automatically equal to super skinny. Do it for you, but do it wisely, and healthily.


It's more important to be healthy, even with a couple extra pounds, then anorexic and near death - even if you are skinny.


I suggest instead you talk to a nutritionist and doctor about what the ideal balance is for you (it won't be overweight, and it won't be underweight....just somewhere in a healthy range).


Most men I know also want a girl with some meat on her bones, and some strength, so that they are not in fear of breaking something everytime they hug her. Some women are naturally super skinny, some are athletic and toned, some are curvy and softer, some are very muscled, some are plump, and there is a man out there whom will be attracted to each one, and many whom will also love you for YOU, not just for what you weigh on a scale. Attraction is important, but it is not just about the physical, and not everyone is attracted to the same thing, or the same concept of what is 'ideal'.

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Sounds like he needs some spice in his life. Skinny doesn't mean they were quality, besides if they were would he be going out with you? If he's so shallow as to reject you based on your wieght, do you really want to spend time with him? You shouldn't worry about his problems with your size, because they are HIS problems. Beauty is a popularized concept that changes as readily as the weather. NO ONE will ever be perfect.

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Sexy comes in all sizes.


Find something to wear that makes you feel sexy but not self conscious. When you look good, you feel good and when you feel good it comes accross as confident as well as sexy.


Knock him dead honey and dont forget that smile.

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Don't worry about it. Honestly, i've had friends who aren't 100 pounds go out with guys who are, and it was never and issue. EVER. not all gusy are as shallow as we sometimes think, give them some credit. it takes a lot of courage to go out with him, and chances are he is more worried about what you think of him, just like your worried about what he'll think of you.

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Well like everyone else says he asked you out for a reason!! you should be flattered. You really have nothing to worry about again remember HE ASKED YOU OUT!

Wear something fabulous that makes you feel good about yourself, smile and be positive, laugh and be flirtatious!!

Relax and enjoy this just could be the start of something wonderful!!

Let us know how you get on


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Hun, the fact that this guy who is known for dating skinny girls wants to date wonderfully curvy you is a plus sign! There's something about you beyond your looks that attracts him. And believe me...emotional attraction lasts SO MUCH longer and is SO MUCH stronger than physical attraction. Not to say that he isn't physically attracted to you as well. He mus be! That always goes hand in hand. Maybe he finally realized that he doesn't want super skinny girls, but wants luscious curvy, plus-sized girls like YOU!

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One thing I've noticed is that some people have a wonderful partner, so wonderful that they wonder how they got them and what that partner sees in them. They wonder how their partner can't be bothered by what's "wrong" with them (their words) like too skinny, overweight, a boil on their nose, ect. It eats at them and bugs them so much that it effects their relationship. The problem was not what they were insecure about but the fact that they kept pointing out those insecurities.


So have fun! I do believe that if you let it get to you so much, it will get to him. Not the weight issue, but the fact that you are letting it get in the way of whatever you two can have.

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Hi girl,

Many men like girls with some flesh here and there. If he has shown interest in you that means he likes those "extras" he didnt' find in those skinny women. More importantly, it's the person you are that matters... see if he enjoys your company rather than your figure. It pays to look good...but you don't have to worry abt it too much. You will be happier with a person who isn't picking on you cos of your size. It's the person you are that counts.

I am a bit top heavy and the men I've met seemed more than happy! lol

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