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You Are Cordially Invited.....

Shadows Light

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My heart is broken

If there is such a thing

No words were spoken

Your actions did it bring…..


In your pit of hell and lies

Your true self do you disguise


Soft words and guileful whisper

In your heart black sinister


Hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn

You’ll soon rue the day you were born


Lie to me and meet your maker

You’ll no more be a heart-breaker


Justice lies in my hand and pen

I used to call you my true best friend


Now I see your blackened soul

You’ll repay what you did sow


Run and hide in your big tower

Hide in shame as you cower


Yes, I’m worth my weight in Gold

But to you my soul won’t be sold


Mired in words and conspiracy

Light shine on your lack of decency


Death to you would be too easy

Walk the earth half dead sleazy


May your skin fall from your bone

No pity for your hurtful moan


Listen every man, brother and sister

Listen to his lame voice blister


Listen to the pitiful bloke

Who women’s hearts he broke


Beg, plead and bemoan

It’s your fault you are forlorn



Look at his shameful collection

Hearts broken like infection


Lies lies lies

Why am I so surprised


I should have listened to my inner voice

Telling me that this was a piss poor choice


Yes my poison pen will speak

Until all hear of the disaster you do wreak


Hope you find no one to sympathize

As I unmask you and your disguise


Lies lies lies

You did but hypnotize


Now I am awake

Seeing you for a fake


Do you run back to your maker

So that you can further break her


Break every heart that comes your way

By the things you do and all you say


On your knees you lying lier

Listen to my pen on fire


Hell you have never seen

Anger never this keen


I did but discover

I was not your only lover


How dare you speak those words to me

Coming from your mouth of hypocrisy


You know not love in its truest sense

Lies lies lies you wear as a defense


There is no depth to you that I can find

Shallow are all those of your kind


How dare you hurt my mortal shell

May your soul forever rot in hell


Even hell has a code of honor

Believing in death before dishonor


Watch your back my poisonous cur

A witch’s wrath you did but stir.


22 days till the next full moon

It can’t but come to soon


All my love you shall win

For the making of this mortal sin


You will remember this Angelic Face

The one that you used in disgrace


Count your blessings and listen well

The time is coming….



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As a person with special gifts, I sense a certain tension.

You've had some recent trouble in your life, correct?

This trouble, does it come from an incident involving a person, wait...

I'm seeing a man...yes a man most definitely.

Sharp words fill the air.

Am I right?

There may be anger....no, something stronger...


I prescribe a week of NC, no more than one beer per evening and a pint of Chunky Monkey.


That's pretty strong stuff!

Be good to yourself, I need you around.

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Gave you the willies did it?? GOOD. Full moons due on ... Feb 13th..

(in case your counting)


watch for the rockets red glare, bombs bursting in air.. etc etc.


YEP.. Guinness... and Chunky Monkey it is.


Ohhh and I've gotta find my Carly Simon CD. I feel inspired all of

a sudden.


Thanks. Hope you liked it as much as I had "FUN" cooking it up on paper.


ok.. I'm off to find snips, snail, puppy dog tails... eye of Newt...

Ravens claw... etc etc etc.

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Hell hath no fury like a women scorned.... indeed.


I hope I never get on your bad side. I don't think I could take it.


Feb. 13? How convenient. Right at Valentines Day. Some people share love, others share hate. But the important thing is, you are sharing, right?


Scary poem.... but nice.

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hmmm... I always thought I'd be a better romance writer. lol.


This poem was a means of venting maybe in a healthier way...

the things that are eating me up inside, instead of acting out.


Had to get it out somewhere. Someone recently said they felt

that they were handed an..."Invitation to hell" when they were served

divorce papers. I suppose thats where the thought came from being

the one extending the coridal invite.

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Invitation to Hell... would make a nice title for a murder mystery.


Invitation to Heaven..... title for a romance story.


And speaking of women scorned, found another song for you Shadows. Don't think you can get any more vengeful then this one. It's the Dixie Chicks with "Goodbye Earl":


Well it wasn't two weeks

after she got married that

Wanda started getting abused

She put on dark glasses and long sleeved blouses

And make-up to cover a bruise

Well she finally got the nerve to file for divorce

She let the law take it from there

But Earl walked right through that restraining order

And put her in intensive care


Right away Mary Anne flew in from Atlanta

On a red eye midnight flight


She held Wanda's hand as they

worked out a plan

And it didn't take 'em long to decide


That Earl had to die

Goodbye Earl

Those black-eyed peas

They tasted all right to me Earl

You're feelin' weak

Why don't you lay down

and sleep Earl

Ain't it dark

Wrapped up in that tarp Earl?


The cops came by to bring Earl in

They searched the house

high and low

Then they tipped their hats

and said, "thank you ladies

if you hear from him let us know"


Well the weeks went by and

Spring turned to Summer

And Summer faded into Fall

And it turns out he was a missing person

who nobody missed at all


So the girls bought some land

and a roadside stand

out on Highway 109

They sell Tennessee ham

and strawberry jam

and they don't

lose any sleep at night 'cause


Earl had to die

Goodbye Earl

We need a break

Let's go out to the lake Earl

We'll pack a lunch

And stuff you in the trunk Earl

Well is that all right

Good Let's go for a ride

Earl hey

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Thanks Passionpices... not one of my more "lovey dovey" poems.. grin..

but it gets the point out.


Shy... I LOVE THAT SONG!!! the video is even better.. tee hee hee

reminds me of the movie Practical Magic (Nicole Kidman/Sandra Bullock)

the bad bad guy gets hocus pocus'd and then buried in the back yard... he he he he he. One of my favorite "chick flicks"

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Hey Shadows Light


Today is going a little better thanks to this site and the wonderful input from the members!


I never saw a video to any of Aslan's songs gonna check that out.


How long ago did that movie come out?


In other news she called me and left a message about having a serious talk.


I have not called yet and unsure about calling...

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