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Have any guys had trouble with condoms? My biggest issue is that one, too tight, two, can't really feel anything. I use these lamb skin ones and they are the only ones where I can actually feel something. If you have been reading my posts, its not like I have had sex recently cause of relationship issues. But I have had this problem sometimes where we are all hot and heavy and she makes me go get a condom. When I come back and ready to put it on, I loose my erection. Sometimes I have to masterbate to get it back up. Also I feel really ashamed cause she is laying there ready to go, but I have no erection cause it kills the mood. She won't go on birth control for various reasons, I have thought of getting snipped, but not really sure. Most women I have been with have been unprotected. I have been tested and thank god I am clean, but I am soo used to it. Has anyone ever experienced this? If so, how do you get over it and just not let it bother you. I'm sure it must be common. Thanks

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Yup, been there.


Wearing condoms doesn't have to be a chore, or unpleasant. Okay, you lose sensation, and the awkwardness of searching for one, and putting it on can definitely put a damper on the mood. But there are ways around that.


My suggestion to you, is to involve her. Have the condom handy, and when it comes time to put it on, have her do it. Make the act of putting the condom on, sexual.


Also, a drop or two of lubricant inside the condom, will help increase your pleasure.


good luck.

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Most women I have been with have been unprotected. I have been tested and thank god I am clean, but I am soo used to it.


I have to point out that getting tested after the fact does not protect you from an STD.... ( I know that you already know this- so why take the risk?)


So I pose to you a question:


What happens if you test positive for say, herpes or HIV, which are uncurable? (and HIV is in fact, an inevitable death sentence?)

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Have the condoms ready and waiting, and let her put it on for you. As for the lack of feeling, you'll just have to put up with it, it's either that or pregnancy/ STD's. Some time in the distant further, maybe you will both feel comfortable and trust each other enough to go on birth control as most couples do when settled.

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I agree they are the worst! My girl friend and I stopped using condoms and it has been the best thing for our sex life and our relationship.


The first two years we dated she was on the pill but we used condoms as a second type of BC. Our sex life lagged and I literly think a big part of it is from condoms. Not only do condoms interrupt what you are doing, but they are annoying, smell like latex, kill sensation, irritate my girlfriends vagina, and kill intamacy.


We switched to spermacide and the pill and it has really helped out sex life alot.

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Have the condoms ready and work the putting on of the condom into your foreplay. Experiement with different types of condoms. Lambskin isnt that effective in the prevention of STIs, I would suggest Trojan Supras or Crown Skinless Skin, just find something that works for you.

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Cause she was a smoker for a long time, she stopped now though. She is 33 and she feels she doesn't want anything inside her that will mess with mother nature. She has these down to earth ideas sometimes that just make me wonder. We are both clean so I don't see why. I even bought her spermacide to put inside her. She just doesn't get where I am coming from. She feels well if he can cum they must be ok. Ughhhhh

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I didn't want pregnancy so we took condoms. but the damn condoms are either too tight and the guy has a tough time with it. Worse, the condoms tore three times (we don't have long nails either) in spite of changing brands.

we dumped them now and just wash after each time. It's a pain and my inside feels rubbery.but its better feeling while we are at it.

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If you have problems with breakages it maybe because you don't have enough lubricant. There are lots of great products out there such as KY and Astroglide. Make sure the lube you get is waterbased and for use with latex. Also, if your lube drys up during sex keep a spray bottle with water handy it will revive the lube. Condoms don't have a long shelf life either, so check the experation dates. The basic latex condom is made for about 10 min of use, so if your boys a marathon guy change often for the most protection.

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My wife and I are having the same trouble.


She was on the pill for a while, but that depresses her libido and makes her feel like crap. She doesn't like the idea of an IUD despite the modern ones being safe and effective. She says that diaphragms are not effective enough.


There's a technology called RISUG (link removed) that I would definitely try if it were approved in the US. Unfortunately most contraceptive methods are being researched for the developing world (I guess the medical industry thinks that in the US we are happy with what we have).


My wife thinks that I'm being ridiculous about the whole condom thing but I have NEVER been able to come wearing a condom. The regular ones are too tight. The large ones are less tight, but I still don't feel anything.


I would rather not have sex at all than use a condom. The lack of sensation just makes the whole thing seem pointless and depressing. In fact when I was single, I just didn't. Oral was about all there was.


As to lubes: Water based lubes are useless. Go for a silicone based lube. It won't dry out.


To the poster who said that latex condoms are made only for ten minutes use, I would like to respond by asking what good are they for then anyway?


People with premature ejaculation disorder? And if I can't come in ten minutes how is it supposed to be easier if I have to change condoms every ten minutes?

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