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You Own It... Live It.

Shadows Light

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What's it mean to live again?

Exchanging one cell for another?

The air is different in the end

The chain strains a little farther


Days, weeks, months pass

Still you can't get to it

Nothing happens fast

Unless you just do it


Hiding in foxholes

Missing the fight

Closing off all doors

Shutting out the light


Sometimes a body needs rest

The soul time to regroup

But then you get to the test

You start to recoup


Magic, potions, elixir

A secret I will tell

Are not the ultimate fixer

You fight a private heII


There are no shining knights

Who will magically appeer

Stop all the fights

The problems disappear


It comes form deep inside

A place we call our soul

Where courage resides

Fills the empty hole


The mind is filled with ravage

This has to mend

Someone else did savage

Pain that has no end


No one can fix it for you

The fight is all your own

Not even the one that bore you

It cuts to the bone


I trust no angelic divinity

Who promises joy and peace

The fates know only longevity

You own your own release


Each man is on his own

His own priest confessor

Carrying his own stone

And his own lifes tester


Choices we all make

Reap what we doth sow

If it is a mistake

Only we may know


So today I say begin it

Live each day anew

As if there were no limit

To what you can do


Break the chains that bind

Exchange the cell for air

Release the ripped torn mind

Live again and dare


Climb a mountain up so high

Travel to lands far away

Write your name from the sky

Don't give a damn what they'd say


Sing out loud and let them hear

Laugh till your belly hurts

Let go of every fear

Wear outrageous shirts


Live your dreams be content

Learn as much as you can

Know there is no torment

That can chain free man


Only when you control destiny

Spin your own web of fate

Then you find your angelic divinity

Mayhap your life mate.

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Foxhole... well when hunters are using dogs to hunt fox, as in the sport of english hunting (horse/rider) a fox is whiley and will hide itself in a foxhole where the dogs/hunters have a hard time to get at it. Reason some dogs are bread small to go into fox holes.. ie Terriers


or.. in military speak, a fox hole can be considered a bunker. Less permanent than a bunker, its dug up so that soldiers have somewhere to rest their weary heads and bunker down...


Writing a murder/mystery.. hmmmmm Modern day Agatha Christy? lol. quite possibly.

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