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so im going to

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Here's my two cents on the issue. You will likely hear advice for and against your plan. I say that if this is your first time asking her out, planning on the evening ending up with a cuddle session is sweet but a bit too idyllic. Of course, things are different at your age than they are at mine. I think that as far as the first time you ask her out is concerned, you want to choose something comfortably public with a degree of privateness between the two of you. Asking a girl out on a walk, at night and bringing a blanket is an obvious sign that you're planning on making some sort of moves that night.

I'm not saying don't go through with this plan, but think it through first. You wouldn't want to turn her away by being too bold at first and putting her into a potentially awkward situation.

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Oooh, think about this! What if she doesn't like being outdoors in the cold? I know I hate it! It's an effort for me to leave my house, period, in the wintertime, especially when it's cold and dark! I have to force myself to go out on dates at all this time of year! Even walking from my house to my car is horrible!


Now, if she's a buff, outdoorsy, winter-camping-ice-climbing-pee-in-the-snow kinda girl, this might be her thing. But most women expect to be taken out to dinner and a movie on a first (or second, or third) date. We like fixing our hair, getting pretty, the anticipation of where you'll take us to dinner, finding out what kind of movies you like, talking and getting to know you, etc.


Plus, I think she'll be far more receptive to snuggling and kissing you if she's not worried about hat-head & if her nose isn't dripping snot like a faucet!


I think your idea is sweet, but it's a definite no-go.




Oh, oops, you're in middle school. So I don't know if the dinner-and-movie thing is gonna work. But you can think of something, indoors, that will be much more fun. Scope her out a bit, figure out what kind of girl she is, find out what she likes to do. Maybe take her to a school basketball game and go for some hot chocolate or coffee after; maybe take her roller-skating or bowling (unless she has long fingernails! Owie, it HURTS to bowl with long fingernails!) You definitely want to do something where she has easy access to a bathroom so she can touch up her makeup & check herself out. (I know when I was that age I was paranoid about boogers & spinach in my teeth!)


Good luck!

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