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Moving Forward...as an adult...


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...it ain't easy, that's for sure! I've always wanted at times to run away from my problems. I would go somewhere quite and just think. Self-reflection has always been my psychology and I've always felt that I alone can solve my problems. But I'm tired of running. I've come to grip with my past mistakes and have accepted the past. But now I"m looking towards the future and how interesting it will be...and scary. But I feel like I'm becoming more of an adult with each passing day. I want to face my problems and make life easy. I know since I want to remain single if will be even harder, but I love the freedom of choice too much, to give up my single life...for now. Yet today, after a restless night at College, I started to move forward. I started to do projects that I should have done a long time ago. But now I want move forward and become stronger. I am beginning to exercise again and get back into shape. I am studying everyday and looking for a part-time job. I'm learning to drive whenever I get a chance, and cook, too. I know now that I have friends and familiy I can depend on. I'm not alone in this anymore and now I realize that. And even though many days, like today, will be tiring, I'm going to keep moving forward. Since that is the only way I will become stronger.

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that was an AWESOME post!!!!! the fact that you recognize the things you want and need to work on ..is so key to getting where you want to be!!


I have the utmost confidence that you will get there!! Without a doubt!!


go you!! AWESOME!


CONGRATULATIONS!! you've learned lessons and made realizations that take some people years if ever to get and understand..



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=D> Awesome!!!! Congrats !!!! Good move. Somedays will be tougher than others. Start yourself a journal so you can track you progress and you successes... and when things start looking dark and you've had a bad day. Go to your journal and look back on how far you've come and how much you've grown....


Congrats... keep it up.

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