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Maybe I'm asking for too much?

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So, I have this friend. We're supposedly best friends, but it doesn't seem so much like it anymore. I mean we don't really do things together anymore. He's going to a different high school next year. I'm afraid we're drifting apart, and with him going to a different school, I don't know if our friendship will survive. One thing I want to do is to keep us from drifting apart. Another thing is I'm not sure where I stand with him anymore. This year, we don't have any classes together, and he used to tell me he missed me and all that stuff, but now it doesn't seem like he does anymore. I don't know how should I go about figuringout where I stand with him. Really, he puts me through an emotional rollercoaster. Sometimes, he'll do something that really makes me upset. Then, he does something that makes me put everything he did behind me. I forgive so easily, I guess. It's not like we don't talk anymore, though. In the hallways and stuff, we'll talk. He stops by my locker all the time, and when I think about it, I feel like I'm asking too much. I just want things to be like the way they used to be. We don't hang out anymore or talk on the phone. He used to IM me the minute I got on AIM, and ask about my day or whatever. Now it seems like I have to be the one who IMs him, not that I have a problem with that. It's just that when he does IM me, it's because he has some sort of question, not because he was interested in what was going on with me. Then after he would get the answer, our conversation would pretty much end. I would try to save it by asking questions, but he gives no effort. I still want to be best friends with him, though. He's not a totally bad friend, at least I don't think so. What do you guys think I should do? Do you think I'm asking for too much?

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No, your not asking too much. I have a similar problem at hand. My friend broke a friendship with my roomate at College. I want things to go back to the way they were, but I know won't happen. As much as you want to be best friends again, it seems that he has other things on his mind. I suggest to just settle for being, just friends. I know that sounds harsh, but unless you can think of any hope and have tried desperately to search for answers to find out how you can be friends again, it's best just to accept things.

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Yeah like Alabama said these things happen, I know it happened to me too, we were the best of friends, we did everything together but one day all of a sudden everything changed. We're still friends and we hang out sometimes but it just feel so weird at times. Its one of those things I guess.

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