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Okay, this is a simple question of interpretation. This girl I've been emailing with for the past two weeks and whom I've spoken with on the cell several times for 40 minutesd apiece, used the following towards the end of her most recent Email "Anyways, can't wait to see you on Sunday..."

Aside from the nice, long emails and phone chats which as far as I can tell have been completely platonic, I can't see any clear signs of attraction. I'd just like to see what people think.

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"Can't wait to see you on Sunday".

In womanese means = can't wait for you to * * * * me.

She is attracted.


LOL. I take it you don't date much.


No. "Can't wait to see you on Sunday" simply means that she is looking forward to meeting you.


When she says, "Can't wait for you to **** me", that means, "Can't wait for you to **** me."

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Just to clear some thing sup since I feel there's some confusin. The two of us HAVE met before, in case that might change how some of you responded. Infact, we go to school together. Additionally, I don't think there's sexual interest at all. In fact, without being with her in person, I can't be sure of anything.

I'm not fixed on one mindest or another right now. I think at the very least, there's interest in the sense of friendship. Afterall, we exchange decently-sized Emails and have spoken on the phone over break a couple of times, some of which have been initiated by her.


So, I hope that helps clear things up

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There is so much that can be read into the womanese of that simple sentence and the spare data you provide. You can have fun with this girl and you don't just want friendship. You're just unsure of your own masculinity.


Annie you're cute. And you like Sex in the City! So feisty! You have a good sensual energy - if you're a good girl I might let you date me and unleash it.

But I'm too busy right now. x

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