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Question for guys-please answer


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i play all kinds of games. xbox, ps2, etc. only when bored and not with a woman though. flirting is flirting. when you are with someone though it is total disrespect and shouldn't be happening. some people like their significant other to flirt though. they find it flattering. i've tried making someone i like jealous. i'd just tell them i'm going somewhere where they know would be women. this usually makes em a bit jealous. it works if that is what you are asking. i mean, you are here asking about it right?


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Wow, I could write a book. Especially from HS through college, not since. I guess when your younger (in my case anyway) one is still immature enough to think it is a proactive way of getting the girl to see what they are missing.... As I got older I realized I needed to show the girl that I was better than the next guy through actions and words.

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I feel that mind games are immature and only reflect your shallowness as a person.


I agree. It's very childish and immature to play games with another persons mind like that.


It would totally turn me off if a girl did that to me. It shows total lack of respect!


My own self-respect would easily counter little games like this; she'd be the one that'd be ticked off, because I don't put up with garbage like that, and finding out she wasted her time on something she can't have in the end.


I'm looking for a committed relationship, and in that, games have no place; thus, she is quickly weeded out.


See, even though it's a negative, I still look at it like the glass half full in the end: she showed me what kind of a child she was in the beginning, and I thank her for that! Why? Because, I didn't have to waste my time and money on her, then later find out she plays games. So, in the end, she saved me a lot!


Same with the extremely hot (but stuck up and shallow) high maintenance women that attract all the guys to them. You know what? They can have her! I'm looking for someone that has personality! Someone that doesn't feel like she has to rely solely on looks to drag in the men.


And the same as all the women going for the high maintenance "hot guy", with the BMW, walking in the room? All the women I see jump on him, I'm thankful to see; they just saved me a lot of work! Now I know who to not waste my time on trying to date!


Just look at it like a process of pulling out the weeds, to finally find that one tulip in the midst of the garden.

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