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Question for guys-please answer


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More than once, I have been caught flirting with one girl by another one I like. The girl usually just looks annoyed or disappointed, and in my experience, it hurts more than helps.


Then again, I often go for shy girls. The more forward ones might be motivated by jealousy to pursue the guy even harder, I guess. I just haven't seen it happen to me or anyone I know.

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Some people do and it does not matter if it is female or male. Some people like the attention and crave it. I never figured it out myself but, I have done well in the romance department (except my last two GF's lol) and I never had to play a game like that.


My attitude is if you don't like me then I need to move on to greener pastures. Games=me leaving

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I agree with hub. The problem with playing games is that no one knows the rules, or even if they are playing the same game, which leaves everyone confused - and that means the chances of misunderstandings are greatly increased.


Flirting to make someone jealous is just as likely to make them walk away.

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Ok guys, tell the truth: have you ever tried to make a girl you like jealous or attempt to get her attention by flirting with another girl in front of her(the object of your affection)? Did it work or did it backfire?


Oh! yes! Its the easiest way to mak the girl jealous and if the girl likes me, jealousy will show....nobdy is able to hide it!


It works in 95% cases......but sumtimes it can produce bad results too! very bad indeed!

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never play games like that if you can just avoid it. Like if I did that to a girl, it sure makes her feel jealous, but it only makes things worse. Like next she goes to do same with some guy, and then I go like "huh?? is she playing with me trying to revenge or does she not like me or what.." and then we're both confused and pissed off with eachother etc. and I don't get any answers out of it, instead I just potentially screw my chances.



The point is, you don't need any of that, when you can just walk up to the target of your interest and ask that person out!

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of course but it will usually backfire and you don't gain anything....


You gain an increase in the woman's sexual attraction.

You can maintain this for years.

If having a beautiful woman in a state of constant sexual excitement is "not gaining anything" then I am happy to not gain anything.

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You gain an increase in the woman's sexual attraction.

You can maintain this for years.

If having a beautiful woman in a state of constant sexual excitement is "not gaining anything" then I am happy to not gain anything.


Hey listen if you like playing games with people's heads then go for it. I agree to DIS-AGREE on this issue I am done with this thread.

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You gain an increase in the woman's sexual attraction.

You can maintain this for years.

If having a beautiful woman in a state of constant sexual excitement is "not gaining anything" then I am happy to not gain anything.


To be fair to Huntsman, this is good logic. The tactic works to a certain extent.


But I myself will never play such games with girls I am attracted to. I feel that mind games are immature and only reflect your shallowness as a person.


Now, now, would you want to date a shallow person?

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  • 1 year later...

Well.. honestly.. this would NOT be an aphrodisiac to me! Having a guy looking at other women constantly, trying to make me jealous would only make me feel hurt, jealous and sure as heck would do NOTHING for my libido, and I'm a woman.. so I cannot see that this would even be a worthwile tactic. In fact it would make my sex drive for this guy go straight down the tubes. How on earth do you think this is going to make a woman feel desirable?

Cuz that's what is really what makes women horny, having someone really desire us, not having some clown acting like you are the last thing on his list.

Do you consider yourself a player, the poster, who posted this? Because this sounds like something you would read str8 out of link removed, which is a site that teaches guys how to be "players" and I sure would hate to have to date a guy like this!

" You gain an increase in the woman's sexual attraction.

You can maintain this for years.

If having a beautiful woman in a state of constant sexual excitement is "not gaining anything" then I am happy to not gain anything."

YOU must not know too much about what turns women on if you honestly believe this. Sure, she might chase you for a bit, but after awhile she's going to be totally fed up with you and probably do nothing but badmouth you to all her girlfriends, who in turn, will probably avoid you like the plague!

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I use it all the time.

It is excellent tool for raising a woman's attraction levels to you.

If other girls want you she will be constantly wet for you.



No it isn't, only for jelous and insecure ones.

I respect myself way to much to buy that. I would give you a cold shower - that way at least someone would be wet. lol

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Ok guys, tell the truth: have you ever tried to make a girl you like jealous or attempt to get her attention by flirting with another girl in front of her(the object of your affection)? Did it work or did it backfire?


I plan on it. lol


I'll letcha know how it goes!

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Ok guys, tell the truth: have you ever tried to make a girl you like jealous or attempt to get her attention by flirting with another girl in front of her(the object of your affection)? Did it work or did it backfire?


I never did that intentionally, but it's happened with me on accident 'cause I've got a lot of women friends and other women don't understand, sometimes. I always thought it backfired.


However, some of my women friends tell me it backfired becasuse I didn't follow up by asking her out. Others just think it's a backfire period.


So I don't know if it would have worked out or not, had I followed up.


I only know it's happened to me on accident, and it felt unpleasant.

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More than once, I have been caught flirting with one girl by another one I like. The girl usually just looks annoyed or disappointed, and in my experience, it hurts more than helps.


Then again, I often go for shy girls. The more forward ones might be motivated by jealousy to pursue the guy even harder, I guess. I just haven't seen it happen to me or anyone I know.


I think you are on to something ^. It depends on the woman.

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Maybe there is something, yes. I am more shy, and if a guy I am interested in is flirting romantically with a lot of women, then I am turned off.


I do understand male/female friendships, but if I feel like a line is being crossed then I lose interest in the guy. I start feeling like he is playing games with me or has a lot of girlfriends. I feel like one more notch in his belt instead of someone a bit special, and drop out of the picture.

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  • 2 weeks later...

psh a lot of people do that. if you're a girl, and you like a guy, and you're together in a group of people, you'll probably enjoy flirting with a different guy for a few reasons, so you can prove you aren't easy, to make the guy want you more, play hard to get, etc. this might sound weird but when you like someone they kind of have this power over you on a subconscious level. you flirting with another guy would be like defying and rebelling against the power that you never consented to, and most people like to rebel against power that they never consented to having. the power of your parents, teachers, or, the guy you like. he has some kind of power and by flirting with another guy you're being rebellious.

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if you go all out talking to a girl or whatever she will generally take that as a sign that you are a desperate twit. Women like a man who is interested but not obsessed. Talking to other women while the one you are interested in is watching particularily if you flirt, shows her that you are a normal person who can interact and has an active interest in other women. This shows her you are normal, social, and healthy minded. I am guessing there are desired qualities for a male to have.


When I say flirt, I do not mean hit on. There is a subtle difference between the two and there is a line you can cross, which turns flirting into an overt display of sexual interest.

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