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clarification question: myth or not?

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i gae my bf head twice and he came all over himself (obviously we didnt use a condum) then like or 10 min later.. w/o cleaning up but he was dry we had sex w/o a condum... can i get pregnent from what i did? soem1 told me bcause there was cum already on him although not visable from me giving him head it can still get me pregnant since we had sex after? is sperm alive that long or just what are the chances of me getting pregnant?



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we had sex w/o a condum


Yes- it is possbile for you to get pregnant. Just because he dried himself off does not mean that sperm was not still present at the microscopic level. It is also possible to get pregnant if he does not cum inside you- small amounts of fluid/sperm are still released from the penis during the entire act of intercourse.




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i gae my bf head twice and he came all over himself (obviously we didnt use a condum) then like or 10 min later.. w/o cleaning up but he was dry we had sex w/o a condum... can i get pregnent from what i did? soem1 told me bcause there was cum already on him although not visable from me giving him head it can still get me pregnant since we had sex after? is sperm alive that long or just what are the chances of me getting pregnant?




Yes, because there is no guarantee that there were no sperm left in his penis that would still make their way into you, even if he did NOT cum again...and more precum could of washed any leftovers out into you.


There are many people in this world because of similar "beliefs" that you could not get pregnant this way.


As for the chances, depends on too many variables, but there is ALWAYS A CHANCE, even if you WERE using birth control.

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this happened 3 times.. what are my about percent chances of being pregnant?


We cannot tell you that. It depends on MANY factors, including your cycle, sperm released, egg viability and so forth.


Why aren't you using birth control? At this rate you are risking pregnancy definitely.

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i have another question... a friend told me its common and proven but unknown by many that if u have sex w/o a comdum and get ur period the NEXT DAY... u can still be pregnant? true?


Not as common, but yes, it can still happen. Women do not always ovulate at same time in cycle, or sometimes they even ovulate more then once.

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im not on the pill because im 16 and my parents are against me having sex and to tell them i am n i need to be on the pill isnt something im comfortable doing...


I'm sure they'd be much more upset if you became pregnant.


Is there a women's health/teen's health clinic in your area? They usually provide free confidential service to teens. At even at 16, IF NOTHING ELSE you can acquire condoms. Most nurses offices in high schools have free ones. If you can't obtain the protection you need then there's always abstinence.



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You don't need your parents in order to buy condoms.


Also, Planned Parenthood will often provide low cost of free birth control to teens in need, parental permission not needed.


Take responsibility for your health, and your life.

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If your parents are against you having sex, what do you think will happen if you get pregnant? Not only will they be upset about you having sex, they will be upset about you sneaking around and having it anyways and about you getting pregnant.


If you choose to have sex, you need to be fully prepared for anything that may happen, and that includes using protection. You can use your school or a free clinic, but its best to do something now and not put yourself at the level of risk you are currently exposing yourself to. Better safe then sorry.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If you want to have sex then you should be responsible enough to take precations. If you feel too ashamed to tell your parents your having sex, should you really be having it. Being freaked out about getting pregnant is so stupid in this day, there are plenty of places to get birth control. If you don't want to tell your parents then go to your doc or a nurse practioner and dont tell them. You are a minor so your parents can still request your med history, but I've found most docs aren't going to hop up and call your mom if you go on the pill. If your going to be engaging in adult activities you need to GROW UP.

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