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Don't know what to think, do about it?

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Hi to all reading this.

After a hard experience I started working. Didn't know what will happen.

I end up with a lots of women - it's my fate to be with tem and don't have one.

Well there is a girl slight older then me but it does not matter, we r seeing each other every day working in this same company in this same room.

The more we talk the more she sims to be as me (music behave stuff things ECT.). But knowing my luck and my last experience I have few doubts about this whole situation.

Should I go for her not knowing if she has someone (course for me asking if she is taken its king awkward), I don't know if she is just a friend or something more. Is there a way to knew about it (her behave or something else)?


Well, I don't know me some1 will give me a piece of advice but...

ty to all reading this.



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There are ways to know if someone likes you. They might behave nervous, when asked about something or asked if liking someone, or they might look away quickly. It can seem like a bad idea to ask if she has a boyfriend, as that would convey you might have interest. But how else will you know unless you ask? I suggest just did it in casual conversation. She might tell you one day, but anything's possible. When you talk to her, do her eyes light up or does she seemed interested in talking to you? That can be another sign. Just go about your day at work, and when get a chance to talk to her, do so.

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Well unless you really know her well and youve broken the ice, it would probably be awkward (some girls might find it weird) to be asked if they have a boyfriend. I think it would be better if you just got to know her really well and at the same time see signs that she might like you in a different way than just a friend. What I mean is if she sometimes laughs when you talk, or if your shy than she laughs at your shyness or maybe she blushes I dont know, just figure out if she actualy likes you, then just ask her out. If she has a boyfriend than obviously she will say so if she doesnt than well, your in luck. Just dont ask her if she has a boyfriend, just ask her out.

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