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Once Upon A Time....


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confusion, lost, * * * *ing lost

Once Upon A Time....

flowers and sunshine

Once Upon A Time....

confusion has set in.

lost in a papercup

Once Upon A Time....

paper airplanes buzzing by

forks & spoons line the road

what time is it she asks?

Once Upon A Time....

i'm in love with an old crow

lost, confused we are

we are...



swimming in a papercup

nowhere to go

but up


Once Upon A Time....

grass is greener on the other side

climbing over the fence

right back into a papercup

on my back



eyes closed

lips moist

eating carrots in a field of raisons

Once Upon A Time....

what do you think of me now




i'm right here

with my plastic forks and spoons

Once Upon A Time....

poking my eyes out

lost again, where did she go

why. come back

love gone

Once Upon A Time....

let go, i will, let go

with time, in time

back in my papercup

swimming in circles

Once Upon A Time....

i miss you. i miss you the most

run, run away

my little buttercup

climbing, falling back down

still eating carrots in a field of raisons

sitting on a mushroom

spinning around

hazey, missing you

loving you, along time ago

trying to forget

Once Upon A Time....

stop. stop. pain

go away


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Once upon a time.... words that can invoke a lot of memories and feelings. Some of them are good memories, some bad. Some make you smile, some make you cry. But they all have contributed to making us who we are today.


Interesting poem. Keep it up.

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