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Dolls by outcast-angel

i'm a faceless doll, you can make me what you will

take up the paints, mark upon me your design

dress me up, or dress me down

i can be your angel, your slave, your star

i'm your marionette, i'll walk to your tune

move my limbs, see me dance, smile

throw me against the wall, hear my neck snap

you can always replace it, start again

mould me to your desires, i'm your plaything

make me your wh***, your muse, temptation

chain me up and i'll writhe beneath you

imagine my voice and hear me scream

sultry eyes, delicate limbs. carve your name in

mark me for all eternity so everyone can see

just don't forget to give that extra spark

so when we fight it won't just be a dramatization

we'll rant and scream, tear each other to shreds

i'll lick clean the wounds that I cause,

swallow little bits of you

now the madness is inside of me

and when next something breaks, it'll be my leash

un-hollowed heart, feel it beat, my memory's here

anger rises do you feel the heat? the world's on fire

i plan to watch you burn, erotic dance,

move your feet, on the ground you'll burst

i'll lap you up; warmed milk

your doll's a monster hungry for love

hunting for something i've never known.

i've got your mark, everyone knows what that portends

now i'm the painter, and i've got a little doll

she holds my leash, reins me in;

i carve her mark into my skin

(disguising your last trace)

an ice sculpture come summer, only your memory lives

and someday honey, i'll find a way to burn it down.






i'm not sure that those last two lines really fit.. like, at all. maybe i should scrap them?

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Amazing, i really liked your style. Its different, much more abstract than others on here, including mine, your creativity is extended. I like that.


Very visual. I think your right when it comes to the last two lines, throws the image out a little, but its still powerful. great work, honestly.




thanks, everyone, it's nice to hear feedback.. neva, thank you, i think i will scrap those last two lines. it's a more powerful without them. i like to read your stuff though. just by being less abstract, i think it's easier to relate to. and, it leaves my mind in less of a whirlwind, which i appreciate.

and blueangel, i'm glad you found it to be at least somewhat original^_^ thanks again, to everyone who read it and/or responded..


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You have a great ability to really visualize and describe things, puts the reader in the poem. Makes us feel the emotion and passion in every word. Impressive.


And I agree, last two lines should be scraped. Nice, but doesn't fit as well.

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