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Can a prospective job be "too good to be true?"

Double J

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Hi everyone,


A few weeks ago, I got a call from a media agency that found my resume on my university's career services website. We set up an interview, and the interview itself went fairly smoothly. I think I was right on the money for nearly every question that was asked. They told me to expect a response sometime during the first week of January. Apparently, my would-be boss was going out of town for a while.


Now, today is January 3rd, and I'm already getting a bit antsy. My gut instinct is divided on this issue - sometimes it's telling me I'll get the job, other times it says I won't. Definite pluses I have to show for are a superlative academic record, experience in community service and extracurricular activities, rapid typing speed, and other positive attributes (communication and writing skills, etc). I listed on my resume that I am proficient at using Word and Excel. (The job ad said they're looking for someone with advanced knowledge of Microsoft Office). When the interviewer asked me how comfortable I feel with each, I told him I felt I was more proficient at Word than Excel. He pointed out certain Excel functions and asked me if I knew how to use them - for most I did, but I was honest in saying that I didn't cover functions like macros in school, but I was willing to quickly learn how to use them. People have told me that if they don't know how to use something, they'll usually lie in an interview by agreeing that they are indeed competent at using it but then learn it off the side. I thought about this, but what about if after the interview, they were to test me on the spot? I'd be in a major bind right there, so to avoid that, I decided to be honest.


I really hope I get this job. The pay is outstanding, the job seems fascinating, and the office is less than 10 mins from my house! Definitely seems like a job that would be "too good to be true," which is why I have my doubts that I'll get it. My weaknesses include limited work experience (my last job consisted of an accounting-related job), and my resume seems more tailored for an accounting major because that's precisely what I was before. I switched my major from Accounting to Marketing in October when I realized that Accounting wasn't for me. These people might view that as having a lack of focus, and to top it off, I don't have previous marketing experience.


It all depends on the exact qualifications they're looking for. This is a regional "coordinator" position, so maybe they feel it's beyond my league. Then again, if that is so, why did they call me for the interview? I'm sure I'd be able to do well. If I don't get it, it would hurt because I sacrificed an internship I had in my hands for this job (but the internship was for a much lower salary and seemed dull). This job seems so good that it's worth waiting for. If I don't get a call by Thursday night, though, I know it won't be a good sign at all.


I'm dying to know already! I rather know I didn't get it than be waiting on the edge. If I don't get a call by Thursday, I'll call them myself.


Anyhow, do you guys feel this job IS out of my range, based on the info I gave you?

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If you gave them an honest assessment of your skills then I don't see why the job would be out of your range. They know what they are getting and they will make their decision based on everything they are looking for. The thing is, you rarely know what the hiring manager is truly looking for. Sometimes they want someone more junior that they can train. Other times they want a senior person. If you just be yourself in an interview then it will be apparent whether you are a fit.


What I do not recommend doing is lying in an interview. When I'm interviewing someone if they give an answer that I think they are lying about due to their lack of experience or hesitation then I will press them on it and dig deeper into their answer. If I figure out they are lying then they are history and I terminate the interview on the spot. I figure if they will lie in an interview then they will probably be a dishonest employee when I really need to count on them.

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Why don't you send them a follow-up email thanking them for their time in the interview, the opportunity to learn more about their organization, and then re-iterate your interest in the position?


I sacrificed a job offer for another possible job i was interviewing for too, and it turns out i didn't get the second job, the one i really wanted. But i figure that if i really wanted the first job, i would have accepted it regardless of the other job i was hoping for, so despite the fact that i do not have any prospects on the horizon, i am still satisfied that i did the right thing by declining the original offer.


Or, maybe you can give them a call and hurry them up a bit by showing your enthusiasm and asking when they are expecting to make a decision. I mean, i am not expert at this, but i would imagine this would look good in the eyes of a future employer?!

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If you have the right qualifications, then there is no reason to assume they wouldn't hire you. However, don't take anything as a sure thing. Even when you think things went great, there could be some reason they don't hire you. Maybe another person was just a little more experienced.


Never lie in an interview. If you don't know something, admit it but give it a positive spin like you did, saying you are a quick leaner and can pick it up. Thank you notes are also a good idea as mgirl said.


Let us know if you got the job. And if you don't, then don't feel discouraged.

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