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do you think?


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do you think you could kiss these lips?

- a pair that has grown cold

do you think you could taste me now?

for you have left me mold


do you think you could feel my skin?

watch it wrip - so frail - so thin

do you think you could take my heart?

hold it forever, from the very start


do you think you could hear me now?

a voice that does not speak

do you think you can see who i am?

a mess thats left so bleak



(Im sorry guys, i havent finished this, but i writ it on here and now i havent the time to sort it out. sorry) to be edited later!



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smiles* whats so wrong with green hmmm? Theres pea green, and grass green and green green. I love green. But NO!


*chuckles and casually thinks of forest grump, bubba, im sure hed like green!!!*


This girly doesnt need the colour blue to show she belongs on the dark side.. *looks around and suddenly realises shes surrounded by sunshine and poseys, but she can be ignorant to that



Whats wrong with having too much to say? Id be surrounded by very boring people if all my friends had too little to say, what wouldthe world do then? Turn to mime? I no like silence!

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Total silence is a concept far out of my reach or even imagination!

Especially seeing as my mouth is always open...


Hmm - you are a dark one. That's not always a bad thing - but they have to be watched. I wonder if you are overcompensating for a soft, vulnerable inner-self...

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chuckles, one can be soft at time, but im not often vulnerable, only when the guards, walls and all the locks are down im sure you just about crack me, but i have no insi winsi intention of giving out the secret passwords muahaha!


Lol, I like the fact that you dont shut up, a little bit annoying i can imagine when it comes to sleeping, but im sure folk get over that!



Thinks of the line "ogres have layers" from shrek and randomly compares herself to that for you

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smiles* You shouldnt make judgements before you know people! *stares at you with such an innocent and pure smile*


Im sorry, but donkey is a well fine role, what are you trying to say? not only are you not green but you have an issue with donkey?


*rolls up her sleeves teehee*



Your not a pest you narna, i just dont like backing down

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I always was the most stubborn person in the UK!


We constantly make judgements about every one as soon as we come into any sort of contact with them. I'm not judgemental - I'm just human


I have no issues with donkey! Just that he is rather loud, and outspoken - just like me.

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Hehe, hes such a cool bean! I think im probably the saddest, non child, who could probably quote pretty much every line from shrek 1. Always have been a disney girl. But not so extreme that id create neverland!!



Go for it then, be opinionated and loud, your first judgement on neva was?? *drum rolls* If your so outspoken, this one could be pretty amusing to hear *listens*


Do you know what else i like? shawshank redemption (thats a fact from me to you!)

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I like the fact - and the movie. The best line being:

"Get busy living, or get busy dying."


I had the little one dragging me to watch Shrek. That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!

"That is a nice bolder..."


My first impressions of Neva were that you were innocent, sweet, compassionate and very talented with poetry.

That you bottle things up as if they don't affect you, and explode them all to poetry, oozing your feelings onto those lines and by doing so - filling that emptiness for another short while.


Tell me I'm wrong

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Chuckles. Your correct until you say emptyness. Im not empty, im just not entirely full. Now you should be careful with words hehe. Empty gives connotations of sadness and negativity, they dont come with how you described me!


Finally, a person who knows the bolder hehe, yesh, that was a swarve line hehe. *chuckles and thinks of "there were some strong gasses eeking out of your butt that day!!"*


Yeah, i love shawshank!


Your such a cunning little bean hehe. I like people who analyse me almost correctly. Then again one cant really hit the nail on the head accuratley when it comes to perceptions of others!


Your right though, I can live quite a while pretending emotions dont effect me, but lets face it, without that i wouldnt be writing poetry. With bad comes good!

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I think you will find I analyzed you correctly. It's just your perceptions of 'empty' which makes you think it is a negative.

We all have some sort of a void that is never entirely fulfilled.


I am a 'cunning little bean' (better than being compared to a donkey!)


Ahh - very good. You noticed I picked up on your poetic side.

It's difficult to ignore.

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smiles* always like to be right aswell, hmmm?!


What were you reffering to then when you said "empty". To be fair though, my perceptions of the word has come from this website, the majority of the time its used, its used with reference to negativity and lonliness. Im sure if i was corrupted by that lol i wouldnt have thought it *winks*


LOL, indeed i noticed, one may also be known for his sarcasm hmm, maybe patronising??


smiles. only messing, indeed you are a bean, pick your category, baked or jelly?



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Now you have realised I am sarcastic. I must be an open book


Empty - by it, I meant there is a gap. A void that has not been filled.

A part of your being discontent with some aspect of your life.


Yes, I am self-righteous. But only because I'm right almost all of the time

I would not say patronizing!

Oh no, little one. I'm definitely not patronizing


Hmm. Baked or jelly...

I'll have to give that one some thought..

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I think I'd be a strange person if i could honestly say i was whole, i think, even if my life was as perfect as i could imagine it to be, including its down falls id still strive for something else. I, dont mind admitting that i will never be complete.


I think when you break me down theyre are alot of pieces that are complete, just as a whole, without categories i doubt id allow it!


Im sure ill find a what if? from somewhere, even in my last few minutes


Yes you are a cunning bean, i might call you a runner bean. That suits you more



Do you honestly believe you can be entirely whole?

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