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the brazilian wax


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I believe in trimming its sanitary and helps control ingrown hairs, but I think its a little rediculous to expect an adult female to be hairless. I'm not a pre-teen so don't expect my vulva to look like one. I trust my doc to do a pap smear but she's been through years of training and is held to standards of practice by laws. What standards are the waxers held to, I've read several posts about waxing horror stories at the hands of so called professionals. For what purpose, to give a guy a hard on, its not fair trade in my opinion. If I ever have a BF that requests it all off, he gets to go first.

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I believe in trimming its sanitary and helps control ingrown hairs, but I think its a little rediculous to expect an adult female to be hairless. I'm not a pre-teen so don't expect my vulva to look like one. I trust my doc to do a pap smear but she's been through years of training and is held to standards of practice by laws. What standards are the waxers held to, I've read several posts about waxing horror stories at the hands of so called professionals. For what purpose, to give a guy a hard on, its not fair trade in my opinion. If I ever have a BF that requests it all off, he gets to go first.


AMEN to that!




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Ridiculous????? I would say that what you are arguing is a matter of taste/personal preference/speculation rather than actual facts. The truth is that hair traps odor, I believe that we can all agree on that. Its hard to say that there is an expectation for women to get brazilian waxes, but that doesnt mean a guy cant encourage them, with the proper methods. If you have a preference for something and you want to get your partner to try it then there is a right way to approach and a wrong way. The truth is that people do have all kinds of expectations of others. Just for a guy to have the expectation that a women should have a brazilian wax, could be from past personal experience but if she doesnt want to get one then dont. If you dont want to look like a prepubecent teen then dont get waxed but as far as a request for a brazilian wax being ridiculous I say nay.

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So for the gratification of your SO's lust you would subject yourself to pain, ingrown hairs, possible burns, infections and skin irritation. Hair may trap odor, so should I wax my head too? Cleaning takes care of that, oh and by the way humans do have natural body odor that all those pretty soaps just mask they never do get rid of them. I have waxed, everything, and it didn't make me feel any better about my sexuality, it made me reach for the topical lidocaine cream. So my personal taste/personal preference is that it is ridiculous. My opinion is that if you feel inclined to encourage you SO do this then you should be willing to follow suit. Besides I hear shaving makes it look bigger, anyway...

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Carnelian, that post was classic. Thank you.


I'll just say that if I love a women, I will love them just them same if they have lots of hair, are trimmed, or have nothing down there at all. No matter what, it will be beautiful and a turn on, because she is beautiful and turns me on.

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I personally love the brazilian. Sure, it hurts for a few hours, but the end result I love!!!


Hi Annie. That's a good reason to do it....because you want to, you like the results. I think what people have a problem with is the idea of having a partner "prefer" it, to the point that they might be rude about it to the woman, or make her feel uneasy about the way her body is naturally. I think it can be viewed as another way people try to police women's bodies- to turn them into something to look at - or something to resemble a pornographic film.


If a woman chooses a Brazilian wax due to her own personal preference- then it is different- because no one is encouraging her to do so, and any pain/discomfort she experiences was her choice- however is it fair for a partner to encourage something that might be physically painful to a woman's body? I think not anyways....


To me, Brazilian waxes in and of themselves are fine- it's when a partner demands one that it becomes a problem.



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It's funny you should say that, because my bf thinks I'm insane for doing the brazilian!!!!! He's like, "hell no, you don't have to rip out the hairs down there!!!! OUCH!!!!!!"


LOL - that's right - no one is making me, it's a personal preference. And that's why I like him

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So for the gratification of your SO's lust you would subject yourself to pain, ingrown hairs, possible burns, infections and skin irritation. Hair may trap odor, so should I wax my head too? Cleaning takes care of that, oh and by the way humans do have natural body odor that all those pretty soaps just mask they never do get rid of them. I have waxed, everything, and it didn't make me feel any better about my sexuality, it made me reach for the topical lidocaine cream. So my personal taste/personal preference is that it is ridiculous. My opinion is that if you feel inclined to encourage you SO do this then you should be willing to follow suit. Besides I hear shaving makes it look bigger, anyway...


Yes I believe that you should shave your head if there was an opening on it that was continually moist and warm. This kind of environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and with bacteria there are odors if that was the case on your head then yes you should wax it. Logically you cannot compare the two, but since you did I pointed out your error. I am sure that shaving would make any mans package look longer.

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Yes I believe that you should shave your head if there was an opening on it that was continually moist and warm.


So does that mean a woman should never date a man with a mustache or beard- since he'd be full of dirty, smelly bacteria-breeding-grounds around his warm, moist mouth?



This kind of environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and with bacteria there are odors if that was the case on your head then yes you should wax it. Logically you cannot compare the two, but since you did I pointed out your error. I am sure that shaving would make any mans package look longer


LOL. Anyone who knows how to shower daily and has good hygiene habits should not have to worry about "odors". I am well aware that there are people in the world- male and female alike- that don't quite get that idea- and who do smell (god knows I've been tortured by their presense before- yuck). But I'd say the majority of people can do without brazilian waxes and still be quite clean and free of odor. Just like if a man with a beard and mustashe washes his face and brushes his teeth- then you would not have to worry about him being dirty either.


It's called soap. If people with brazilian waxes don't use it- they will be just as prone to "odors".





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ummmmm... even if you shave off... pluck out.. chemically treat every follicle in the nether regions.. it does "NOT" get rid of Bacteria or smells. It's SUPPOSED TO BE THERE!!!!


I think I responded to a post last week where a young man was making his Girlfirend terribily insecure because he wanted her to smell like

apples and Strawberries like his last GF down there. "DUMP THE BF"

or buy him a box of apples and a flat of Strawberries.. I'm sure he can find many innovative uses with them.. "BY HIMSELF"


Using fragrances, douches, powders etc... only creates a GREATER breeding ground for infection. It disturbs the balance of the chemistry

down there.


Good daily hygeine... is all that is medically needed. If you want to trim, wax, pluck, have a landing strip, go bare-floors, thats a personal preference. And if you perfer a SO who is bare down there.. HAPPY HUNTING... thats also your personal preference.


Whatever happened to natural Pheromones?????

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Seriously.... Ok - this thread is...interesting. To Brazilian wax or not to....


My goodness. I can't even imagine putting myself through that much pain. But it would HAVE to be because I wanted to. There's only one other person besides me who even sees that area and I'm sure he's just happy with THAT!

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Whatever happened to natural Pheromones?????


Personal experiences have shown me that a natural scent is the best scent of all. Clearly, wash for basic hygiene purposes. But otherwise, for all the perfume and colognes out there, the most appealing and arousing scent seems to be a persons natural scent.

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I agree soap needs to be used regardless. Brazilian waxes just happen to be a personal preference and I will defend that preference.


Ok. That sounds much different (and improved) than what you were saying earlier about "odor". Recognizing it as pure preference is one thing....


....Trying to make the leap that hair is some kind of evil, unavoidable breeding ground for bacteria and odor, and that ripping hair out is somehow better for a woman's heath and body, is a different issue all together.



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Yes I believe that you should shave your head if there was an opening on it that was continually moist and warm. This kind of environment is a breeding ground for bacteria and with bacteria there are odors if that was the case on your head then yes you should wax it. Logically you cannot compare the two, but since you did I pointed out your error. I am sure that shaving would make any mans package look longer.

Someone needs a quick anotomy lesson... There happens to be a very moist, bateria infested hole in all our heads. Its called a mouth.

If a woman has a healthy diet and hygiene then her vagina won't smell. Bacteria happens to be a part of life and no amount of soap, wax, or obsessive-compulsive cleaning will change that. If you really think a vagina is a breeding ground for bacteria, then for your sack I hope to god your circumcised, because the smegma that developes under the foreskin of a man's penis is a festering cesspool.

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Someone needs a quick anotomy lesson... There happens to be a very moist, bateria infested hole in all our heads. Its called a mouth.

If a woman has a healthy diet and hygiene then her vagina won't smell.


Notice the proximity of the mount in relation to the hair on your head from the proximity of the hair on the mons and all over that area. I want to start by making a reasonable assumption that the hair on the mons is closer in proximity. As far as the rest of the statement what makes the vaginal area warmer than on the head is that its not directly exposed to the natural environment, typically people wear clothes (which trap heat) and this heat along with the moisture in the area is a natural breeding ground for bacteria. I am just presenting the idea that hair traps odor, if you dont want to believe it feel free.


It is also possible that a healthy woman who ate the proper diet and had good hygiene still could have an odor that wasnt appealing, sometimes stuff like that just happens, you can see from the numerous posts on the subject.


To get back on topic, i dont believe hair is inherently evil but I do believe that hair is evil by association in voluminous amounts in particular areas.

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To get back on topic, i dont believe hair is inherently evil but I do believe that hair is evil by association in voluminous amounts in particular areas.





Notice the proximity of the mount in relation to the hair on your head from the proximity of the hair on the mons and all over that area. I want to start by making a reasonable assumption that the hair on the mons is closer in proximity. As far as the rest of the statement what makes the vaginal area warmer than on the head is that its not directly exposed to the natural environment, typically people wear clothes (which trap heat) and this heat along with the moisture in the area is a natural breeding ground for bacteria. I am just presenting the idea that hair traps odor, if you dont want to believe it feel free.


Daywalker, Please do us all a favor and never go into a career in gynecology.


In fact- I think you missed your calling- I think you should work as a waxer- to be sure that all the "mons" you come in contact with will be proper and up to par. (I hope you know I'm just kidding with you ).


Anyways, I'm done with this thread- I can't bear to spend anymore time on the topic of pubes.




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Why not just try it? IT GROWS BACK.

It's not about what he wants - it's about you... it's YOUR body. Maybe YOU'LL like it better!

That was really good advice about trimming first, and go to a PROFESSIONAL - if it's done wrong, it can actually cause scarring on the most tender parts (dear lord). You could always do a trim first and try a bikini wax, just to get the idea. One way or another the first time you do it hurst like a SOB! It does hurt less the more times you do it.

Good luck.

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It is also possible that a healthy woman who ate the proper diet and had good hygiene still could have an odor that wasnt appealing, sometimes stuff like that just happens, you can see from the numerous posts on the subject.

So the logical solution would then be to totally deny your nature as a mammal and remove those darned pubic afros.

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Is wearing makeup denying your nature as a mammal too?


People (mostly women) alter their appearance in some way, shape, or form. Men do too, but women tend to do more of it. Brazilian wax, American Wax, Mexican wax, wearing makeup, buying a push-up bra, waxing your eyebrows, etc . . .it's what some mammals do.


As a man, I can appreciate a woman who is hairless from the neck down.

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