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first time pap smear

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Since i became sexually active I have been travelling overseas, although it is not exscuse I have not had a pap smear yet, i am in honesty 2 yrs over due now.


Now i am back in my home country the 1st thing i wanna do is have a all over womens check up including pap smear........


the only thing is im so worried that they will know i havent had one yet?


Is there any way that my dr will be able to tell i havent had a pap smear b4?


or is there anyway for her to know that i lost my virginity 2 yrs ago?


also does it hurt?

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Hi there!


Yes, it is very important to get pap smears once you've become sexually active. Or at least when you turn 18. The doctor is not going to know you have not had one unless you say something. There are other things that will happen throughout the exam....


First the doc will probably check your pulse and blood pressure. Check your heart, ears, eyes, and throat. Then the doc will probably check your tummy, make sure there is no pain.


Then the doc will probably do a breast exam and may show you how to do one on your own. Then comes the fun part...the pap smear. The doc will have you lay down and put your feet into stirrups...then the doc will use forceps...will put some gel on it and insert it and open the forceps in order to open up your cervix. Then the doc will swab some cells from the wall of the cervix and put the cells in a little bottle. The doc may even ask you if you want to take a few more swabs to test for STDs such as clymidia and ghonerrea. I do it even though I have been with the same person for 4 years but it never hurts to have that extra reassurance. And finally the doc will probably check to make sure everything such as your uterus and such feel ok...an internal exam.


It does not hurt, but it can be a little uncomfortable. When the doc swabs your cervix, it is uncomfortable and you can feel a bit of pressure. But it's only for a few seconds. But for a second or two of being uncomfortable is definitely worth it because it is so important to do this yearly. Plus, the doc says what he is or she is going to do before he/she does each step. Just try to relax when the pap smear is being done because if you are nervous and tense, then it makes it a little more uncomfortable. So when the pap smear is being done....just try to relax, take a few deep breaths and, and keep in mind that this is very important.


So I hope I answered your questions and put your mind at ease a little bit. It's ok, just think about the millions of women who do this every day. I mean I'd rather be doing other things but I know I have to do it. Take care and wishing you all the best.

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Is there any way that my dr will be able to tell i havent had a pap smear b4?


or is there anyway for her to know that i lost my virginity 2 yrs ago?


There's no way for the doctor to know exactly when you lost your virginity. Usually they are not concerned with that anyways. They ususally ask in some kind of medical history form how many sexual partners you've had and if you ever had unprotected sex.


The doctor will not know that you never had a pap smear unless you tell her. Honestly, if I were you, I'd tell her because if she knows it's the first time for you- she'll likely explain things more so you know exactly what to expect- rather then just going ahead and doing it- as if it's "routine" for you. The doctor will not lecture you for not having one before this.


also does it hurt?


It's not painful, although it can be uncomfortable. It's also not the most dignified pose to be in. But the good news is that it only takes a few seconds. I'd say the most annoying part is when the doctor initially puts the speculum in- it feels like there's tension and pushing in your vagina- but not pain. You can feel when the doc takes a sample of the cervical cells- but the nerve endings in that area are somewhat dull- so again it will just feel like pressure there too. As KellBell stated, just try to stay as relaxed as possible because if you get nervous, your vaginal muscles tighten up and it makes it more uncomfortable. I've been getting this lovely test for 10 years now- I'd say the first few times I dreaded it and now I just see it as one of life's little annoyances. You get "used to it" after a while. Prevention is the key to good health- a few seconds of annoyance is much better then having cervical cancer. Sometimes the doc will talk to you so you are distracted when they're doing it- that can help (though I always thought the idea of it was silly for the doc to be asking me about my job, husband, etc while they are probing up my..... lol) But it's really routine for them- they see hundreds a week so it's no biggie to them....What I do is I just try to take deep breaths focus on a point on the ceiling and have an out-of-body experience. It's over before you know it. Then you're all set for a whole year.


And just remember- your doc is a woman too and has to get a pap smear every year herself....if that makes you feel any better.


Good luck!



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The other girls gave fantastic advice so I won't add very much!


Just try to relax, it can be a bit nerve wracking, and it's never "pleasant" but it's not bad. Just a bit uncomfortable, but quick. A good doctor will talk you through it and try and distract you.


It is SO important you get it done though, as I just posted on another thread, they are crucial for your health. I know of many women whom were so scared to go, they later were found to have advanced cervical cancer. They then had hysterectomies at very young ages, chemo, radiation, became infertile, went into early menopause. I knew one whom never went until she was pregnant, and they then found advanced cancer, and she had to have an abortion to save her life it was so advanced. Early detection of abnormal cells is key, as it is very easy to treat and heal at that stage.


I would tell them it's your first time, so they can walk you through it and explain it. They won't get mad, they wish people like you came in more often!


They cannot tell if you are or not a virgin, as many women lose their hymen younger and have changes in their vagina with or without sex, but you should let her know, so she can also run some other tests for HPV for example and chlamydia, which often have NO symptoms, but can cause infertility and cervical cancer in the long run. They are bound to confidentiality, and cannot tell anyone else. It is best for your health to be honest with them.


Good luck.

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the only thing is im so worried that they will know i havent had one yet?


Is there any way that my dr will be able to tell i havent had a pap smear b4?


or is there anyway for her to know that i lost my virginity 2 yrs ago?


Doctors are not there to judge you. Their job is to keep you healthy. They are not judging whether you lost your virginity at the right time. And they are not judging you for not having had a pap smear yet. They are not judging you for how much sex you've had, nor how many partners you've had.. I tell my doctors details about my sexual history that I don't tell anyone else in the whole world. A medical exam doesn't have anything at all to do with being thought of negatively or judged by a doctor. It's all about your health. Telling your doctor that you've never had an exam will be a benefit to you so s/he can reassure you, and tell you how to relax during the exam to make it more comfortable for you. Just know there's never any need to withhold information from your doctor.

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