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My Recent Break Up - Hope my story Helps


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This thread seemed to inspire a lot of people so I wanted to come back and cap an ending on it. Something amazing has happened to me. I met the most incredible woman I have ever met. She is beautiful, intelligent, insightful, extremely fun and passionate. I could go on and on about her but I need to get to the whole point of this. My EX is gone and I could not be happier. Sure – it was hell at first, but I swear there is an unforeseen reason these things happen. If she hadn't of left me I would not have met this amazing woman. No girl I have ever been with can even come close to her. I am still in utter disbelief sometimes, but it is very real.


If I were still with my EX I would be – content. In hindsight I don't think I ever could have felt this way about her (the way I already feel towards this girl I am with now). Something WAS missing in that last relationship and it has made me understand why these things sometimes must happen. I wish I could have been facing myself saying – don't worry, it is for a reason and you will see why. Luckily I had people here at ENA to tell me that, hehe.


Well let me tell all of you who are reading this. It is for a reason, and I swear to you – you will be happier. I hope you all meet that person who you feel like you have known your whole lives. When I am near her I can't even begin to describe the way I feel. Not once did I ever feel that way with my EX. This whole experience has made me a believer of fate. I believe everyone has a few points in their life where they are faced with an opportunity to meet someone incredible. This is the first time in my life it has ever happened to me. To be with someone is a very important, serious and sensitive experience. An experience which should make you feel like it is "Too good to be true". So as for motivation to move on with your lives, and really to commit moving on for yourself!! – Believe me, that person is out there. I swear it. When you meet him or her – you will know what I am talking about. The only way I can explain it is – "Too good to be true" – but it is. Maybe one day I can come back and put it into words.


One other thing I will leave you with –


If it was not for ENA I might not have met this woman. I almost didn't even post my initial thread. If that would have been the case we never would have met. How is that for freaky?


I also met a new best friend here, one of the coolest people I have ever met. I won't say anything more about these two people – if they want to post back it is up to them.


See you all later! --------- and thx again everyone – really – thank you so much.

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I'll take that invite to post.

thanks for your kind words Chris.


Chris and i met through these forums, and we live in the same town. Small world?

we've hung out and had a lot of laughs. if we hadnt gone through our breakups, we wouldnt have met and my social circle would have been smaller.

i introduced chris to the new lady in his life, a friend of mine. who knows what will happen, but that is the adventure that is life.


he's further along than i am. i still miss and love my ex, but i am trying to move on. meeting new people, making new friends helps, as the lonliness isnt there anymore. In my heart i will always love her, she touched my life in many ways. i hope for the best for her and will wonder how life turned out for her, even when i am an old man.


but yeah chris is a cool guy, friendships help replace the emptiness of losing someone special, they dont completely fill the void inside me, but it is certainly better to have people support you rather than face things alone. now chirs wont satisfy all my needs, i wont go "brokeback mountain" with him LOL but it is nice to have yourself surrounded by good people.


chris' story inspires me because i know there is someone out there who will appreciate me.


so everyone reading, keep your friend's close, they are a valuable treasure

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so everyone reading, keep your friend's close, they are a valuable treasure


No truer' words have ever been spoken. By meeting Shamus I gained an awesome friend. Once my EX and I had gone our own ways I found myself with few friends. The friends I had did not want to hear about any kind of trouble, they are all very free spirits and only care about how radical that last run was - lol (Skateboard talk). I found a new friend who I actually have alot in common with on a social level.


Shamus has been going through a roller coaster of a breakup but we are getting him to where he needs to be and he's doing great. He is dating now and moving on. When he slips he definitely has his friends to catch him. Friends are so very important and must always be a priority in life. As we all get older we start to realize just how much friendships mean. True friends will always be there no matter what. It can be easy to take friendship for granted, but from what I have learned so far in life - I will always make a conscious effort to never take friendship for granted.

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