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Sex with ex, ex acting weird

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Ok so my ex and I are having sex after spending 6 months apart. Initially, we agreed that we would do it every once in a while, and I am cool with that. I was under the impression that once a month would suffice. But he texts me EVERY DAY and he's been acting really weird. The other day we were on one of our "booty call missions" and he whips out a really nice leather purse and wallet for me! He bought me a sweet a%^ XMAS present! When we were in a relationship, he never bought me anything, it was like pulling teeth to get him to spend money on me. He's also reaaallly affectionate now, never was when we were together. I'm honestly totally confused, and I'm starting to believe that he wants more than just sex. Do people usually give their "friend with benefits" really nice XM presents? What in the hell is going on?!!!??

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I agree with the others. What do you want?


I think you should ask him something like, "have you ever had second thoughts about our breakup?" Don't say anything else. And just see what he says. I think he will tell you everything that's on his mind.

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