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Should I make a move


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Hey guys,

I've found myself in a bit of a dilemma, its all centered around me and a girl. We first got to know each other back in the spring, and we hit it off good. We both knew of each other through friends and I had heard she thought I was cute and I thought she was stunning to be truthful. I kinda lied a tad I'll admit but what was I supposto say oh I know you think I'm cute?... I mean I didnt lie much but it was all I could do. Anyhow the friend we knew each other through got real mad at me and the thoughts of us dating. So that put a damper on it, although the girl made mention to both me and the friend that we should hook up. But this put a damper on us and we kinda backed up, she got her a bf which lasted a week and talked to another guy. But we still talked a little. Then we started going to the same school (shes a year and 2 grades higher than me), we saw each other more and more we rarely talked though. I suffer from nervousness quite frequently. But we still kept in touch through the internet which is how we started meeting. Anyhow we didnt talk for a while she ignored me, and she had her a boy problem and all. And she started talking again, and talking at school a tad. She actually tripped me one day kidding around. Anyhow I'm trying to decide if I should make a move.. I've liked her for a long time and she usetoo like me but I'm not sure if she does now?..... Any tips?........ Thanks

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My favourite aspects of your excerpt are "damper" and how you make a big deal of her talking to another guy, and my favourite favorite favorie: I suffer from nervousness. It makes me chuckle. Nervousness is not often a disease, especially in HS and in situations like these...it is normal, and everyone gets nervous at some point. Also It looks like you are either a freshmen or sophomore according to your age. If this is the case, #1: of course high school girls and boys are going to talk to eachother, it is not automatically going to turn into something more. #2: Just ask her out. If you really liked her, nothing would come in the way, not even your chronic nervousness. The most she can do is say no, but at least she will keep you in mind, if there is even a slight interest.


Your welcome man of mystery

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I agree with everything that the above has said...please just listen to him, christ I was in your shoes two years ago{I'm 17 now} and If I'd had his advice, I might not be kicking myself now.


Seriously though, just ask, the worst thing that she can do is say no, then the worst from there is you have this akwardness when she passes you in the hall. But trust me, you never want to have to wonder "what if?"


Best thing is she sais yes, then you get a date and maybe more to come. Given your position it would not be impolite to ask her out, and this way at least you won't be led on. Anyway, there is my advice. basically copy and paste of the above.

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ok thanks guys, i appreciate the advice i really do. One other thing, she hasnt been replying to my IM for the past couple days..... even if she's online or has an away saying "I'm here".. which is somewhat disturbing. Anyhow thanks again for the advice.


P.S. when i said talked I meant almost dated, and I'm a freshman.

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